Les noms vernaculaires et usages de la flore dans la bibliographie

Taxon Vernaculaire Ethnie / Pays Usage Article ou ouvrage
Dacryodes heterotricha (F. Pellegrin) H.J. Lam mouganga bapunu Burséracées.
Dacryodes heterotricha (F. Pellegrin) H.J. Lam moumbamba bavili Burséracées.
Dacryodes heterotricha (F. Pellegrin) H.J. Lam moumbamba eshira Burséracées.
Dacryodes heterotricha (F. Pellegrin) H.J. Lam nganga bavili Burséracées.
Dacryodes heterotricha (F. Pellegrin) H.J. Lam oumbamba baviya Burséracées.
Dacryodes heterotricha (F. Pellegrin) H.J. Lam oumbamba mitsogo Burséracées.
Dalbergia melanoxylon J.B. Guillemin & G.S. Perrottet african blackwood commercial Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Fifteen Uganda Timbers.
Dalbergia melanoxylon J.B. Guillemin & G.S. Perrottet african ebony commercial Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Fifteen Uganda Timbers.
Dalbergia melanoxylon J.B. Guillemin & G.S. Perrottet babanus arabic Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Fifteen Uganda Timbers.
Dalbergia melanoxylon J.B. Guillemin & G.S. Perrottet begboio banda Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Fifteen Uganda Timbers.
Dalbergia melanoxylon J.B. Guillemin & G.S. Perrottet blackwood commercial Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Fifteen Uganda Timbers.
Dalbergia melanoxylon J.B. Guillemin & G.S. Perrottet bokango golo Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Fifteen Uganda Timbers.
Dalbergia melanoxylon J.B. Guillemin & G.S. Perrottet cape damson commercial Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Fifteen Uganda Timbers.
Dalbergia melanoxylon J.B. Guillemin & G.S. Perrottet chella faragai Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Fifteen Uganda Timbers.
Dalbergia melanoxylon J.B. Guillemin & G.S. Perrottet did nuer Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Fifteen Uganda Timbers.
Dalbergia melanoxylon J.B. Guillemin & G.S. Perrottet ébène du sénégal inconnue Florae Senegambiae tentamen, seu historia plantarum in diversis Senegambiae regionibus a peregrinatoribus Perrottet et Leprieur detectarum , accedunt tabulae lapide aut aere incisae.
Dalbergia melanoxylon J.B. Guillemin & G.S. Perrottet faiti bari Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Fifteen Uganda Timbers.
Dalbergia melanoxylon J.B. Guillemin & G.S. Perrottet funiti bari Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Fifteen Uganda Timbers.
Dalbergia melanoxylon J.B. Guillemin & G.S. Perrottet grenadillo commercial Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Fifteen Uganda Timbers.
Dalbergia melanoxylon J.B. Guillemin & G.S. Perrottet guelembann inconnue Florae Senegambiae tentamen, seu historia plantarum in diversis Senegambiae regionibus a peregrinatoribus Perrottet et Leprieur detectarum , accedunt tabulae lapide aut aere incisae.

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