Les noms vernaculaires et usages de la flore dans la bibliographie

Taxon Vernaculaire Ethnie / Pays Usage Article ou ouvrage
Mitragyna stipulosa (A.P. de Candolle) K.E. Kuntze popo malinké Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Mitragyna stipulosa (A.P. de Candolle) K.E. Kuntze popo malinké La flore forestière de la Côte d'Ivoire.
Mitragyna stipulosa (A.P. de Candolle) K.E. Kuntze powo kissi Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Mitragyna stipulosa (A.P. de Candolle) K.E. Kuntze sofo attié Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Mitragyna stipulosa (A.P. de Candolle) K.E. Kuntze songwa inconnue Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Mitragyna stipulosa (A.P. de Candolle) K.E. Kuntze subaha commercial Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Mitragyna stipulosa (A.P. de Candolle) K.E. Kuntze subaha twi Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Mitragyna stipulosa (A.P. de Candolle) K.E. Kuntze subaha wassaw Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Mitragyna stipulosa (A.P. de Candolle) K.E. Kuntze ubolu-mili ibo Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Mitragyna stipulosa (A.P. de Candolle) K.E. Kuntze uwen efik Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Mitragyna stipulosa (A.P. de Candolle) K.E. Kuntze voukou inconnue Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Mitragyna stipulosa (A.P. de Candolle) K.E. Kuntze vuku boma Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Mitragyna stipulosa (A.P. de Candolle) K.E. Kuntze vuku inconnue Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Mitragyna stipulosa (A.P. de Candolle) K.E. Kuntze wouwoko lulanga Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Mitragyna stipulosa (A.P. de Candolle) K.E. Kuntze wowovoko inconnue Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Mitragyna stipulosa (A.P. de Candolle) K.E. Kuntze wuwoko lulanga Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Mitragyna stipulosa (A.P. de Candolle) K.E. Kuntze yar yar twi Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Mitragyna stipulosa (A.P. de Candolle) K.E. Kuntze yar yar wassaw Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Mitragyna stipulosa (A.P. de Candolle) K.E. Kuntze ya ya twi Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Mitragyna stipulosa (A.P. de Candolle) K.E. Kuntze ya ya wassaw Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.

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