Les noms vernaculaires et usages de la flore dans la bibliographie

Taxon Vernaculaire Ethnie / Pays Usage Article ou ouvrage
Tarrietia utilis (T.A. Sprague) T.A. Sprague gniangon badjoué XV. Miscellaneous Notes. Teak in Trinidad.
Tarrietia utilis (T.A. Sprague) T.A. Sprague hamon inconnue XV. Miscellaneous Notes. Teak in Trinidad.
Tarrietia utilis (T.A. Sprague) T.A. Sprague harmon commercial The Evergreen Forests of Liberia. A Report on Investigations made in the West African Republic of Liberia by the Yale University School of Forestry in Coöperation with the Firestone Plantations Company.
Tarrietia utilis (T.A. Sprague) T.A. Sprague kékosi ébrié La flore forestière de la Côte d'Ivoire.
Tarrietia utilis (T.A. Sprague) T.A. Sprague kékotzi fanti La flore forestière de la Côte d'Ivoire.
Tarrietia utilis (T.A. Sprague) T.A. Sprague kokotsi fanti XV. Miscellaneous Notes. Teak in Trinidad.
Tarrietia utilis (T.A. Sprague) T.A. Sprague kokotzi fanti La flore forestière de la Côte d'Ivoire.
Tarrietia utilis (T.A. Sprague) T.A. Sprague kouanda attié La flore forestière de la Côte d'Ivoire.
Tarrietia utilis (T.A. Sprague) T.A. Sprague kouanda attié XV. Miscellaneous Notes. Teak in Trinidad.
Tarrietia utilis (T.A. Sprague) T.A. Sprague lotouhé guéré La flore forestière de la Côte d'Ivoire.
Tarrietia utilis (T.A. Sprague) T.A. Sprague niangon badjoué La flore forestière de la Côte d'Ivoire.
Tarrietia utilis (T.A. Sprague) T.A. Sprague niangoué badjoué La flore forestière de la Côte d'Ivoire.
Tarrietia utilis (T.A. Sprague) T.A. Sprague nyankom inconnue XV. Miscellaneous Notes. Teak in Trinidad.
Tarrietia utilis (T.A. Sprague) T.A. Sprague oulié kroumen La flore forestière de la Côte d'Ivoire.
Tarrietia utilis (T.A. Sprague) T.A. Sprague red cedar commercial The Evergreen Forests of Liberia. A Report on Investigations made in the West African Republic of Liberia by the Yale University School of Forestry in Coöperation with the Firestone Plantations Company.
Tarrietia utilis (T.A. Sprague) T.A. Sprague red cedar inconnue XV. Miscellaneous Notes. Teak in Trinidad.
Tarrietia utilis (T.A. Sprague) T.A. Sprague wish-more commercial The Evergreen Forests of Liberia. A Report on Investigations made in the West African Republic of Liberia by the Yale University School of Forestry in Coöperation with the Firestone Plantations Company.
Tarrietia utilis (T.A. Sprague) T.A. Sprague yawi mendi The Evergreen Forests of Liberia. A Report on Investigations made in the West African Republic of Liberia by the Yale University School of Forestry in Coöperation with the Firestone Plantations Company.
Tarrietia utilis (T.A. Sprague) T.A. Sprague yawi mendi XV. Miscellaneous Notes. Teak in Trinidad.
Tarrietia utilis (T.A. Sprague) T.A. Sprague var. densiflora F. Pellegrin akevoua inconnue Les Macrolobium (Caesalpiniées) du Gabon.

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