Les échantillons de l'Herbier YA

Famille Taxon Collecteur Numéro Pays Station de collecte
Urticaceae Elatostema paivaeanum Wedd. Letouzey R. 8902 Cameroun Piste du village d'Okou au mont Okou (3008 m) (45 Km SSO de Nkambe).
Urticaceae Elatostema paivaeanum Wedd. Letouzey R. 13289 Cameroun Fonjomekwet (13 km N Bafang).
Urticaceae Elatostema paivaeanum Wedd. Letouzey R. 14711 Cameroun Versant NW du Mont Koupe (2064m) depuis Nyassosso (850m).
Urticaceae Elatostema paivaeanum Wedd. Tadjouteu 46 Cameroun Mt. Bamboutos, Fongo-Tongo, carte de Mamfe chute du complexe touristique de la Mammi-water
Urticaceae Elatostema sp. Cheek M. 613 Cameroun Aboh Boyo.
Urticaceae Elatostema sp. de Wilde J.J.F.E. 8594 Cameroun Mount Mbepit, NE of Foumbot.
Urticaceae Elatostema sp. de Wilde J.J.F.E. 8643 Cameroun 28 km along the road from Bafut to Wum.
Urticaceae Elatostema sp. de Wilde J.J.F.E. 8658 Cameroun 12 km along the road from Dschang to Mélong.
Urticaceae Elatostema sp. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 9685 Cameroun 5 km NE of Dibombe, a village on Km 11 of Loum-Yabassi road
Urticaceae Elatostema sp. Letouzey R. 10805 Cameroun Massif de Nkohom entre Ndom et Ndambok, à 40 km au sud de Ndikinimeki.
Urticaceae Elatostema sp. Letouzey R. 12928 Cameroun Près Bidjouka (10 Km NE Bipindi).
Urticaceae Elatostema sp. Letouzey R. 14290 Cameroun Menda Nkwe, 5 km SE Bamenda.
Urticaceae Elatostema sp. Manning S.D. 1740 Cameroun Korup National Park, W and N of first temporary camp along East - West path from Mana river foot bridge to the North - South path leading to Camp 2 and along the North - south path to camp 2.
Urticaceae Elatostema sp. Nemba 746 Cameroun Forest and forest rdge around Meta Village, 5 hours walk north of Mudemba.
Urticaceae Elatostema sp. Pollard 40 Cameroun Oku Elak in Bui division.
Urticaceae Elatostema sp. Thomas D.W. 3195 Cameroun Forest in the Korup National Park.
Urticaceae Elatostema sp. Thomas D.W. 6715 Cameroun Korup National Park,Transect P.
Urticaceae Elatostema sp. Thomas D.W. 7904 Cameroun Steep hillside south of Esukutang village.
Urticaceae Elatostema sp. Thomas D.W. 9498 Cameroun Mt Cameroon; above Bokwango village.
Urticaceae Elatostema sp. van der Zon A.P.M. 1148 Cameroun Chute de Tello, 48 km E de Ngaoundéré.

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