Les échantillons de l'Herbier YA

Famille Taxon Collecteur Numéro Pays Station de collecte
Thymelaeaceae Octolepis casearia Oliv. Mézili P. 261 Cameroun Belabo, route Bertoua - Ndengdeng.
Thymelaeaceae Octolepis casearia Oliv. Nana P. 388 Cameroun 80 km de Bertoua vers Deng-Deng.
Thymelaeaceae Octolepis casearia Oliv. Thomas D. 2466 Cameroun Disturbed rain forest at Barombi Kang Rest house.
Thymelaeaceae Octolepis casearia Oliv. Thomas D. 3444 Cameroun Forest and swamps, 15 km of Kribi.
Thymelaeaceae Octolepis casearia Oliv. Thomas D. 3452 Cameroun Degraded forest at Barombi Kang, near Kumba.
Thymelaeaceae Octolepis casearia Oliv. Thomas D.W. 5906 Cameroun Forest in Bakossi mountains, near Bangem.
Thymelaeaceae Octolepis casearia Oliv. Thomas D.W. 7531 Cameroun Sandy area between Baro and Ikenge villages, along foot path, in the Korup National Park.
Thymelaeaceae Octolepis decalepis Gilg Letouzey R. 592 Cameroun Route Razel. Sur piste d'exploitation en forêt à Bongani.
Thymelaeaceae Octolepis decalepis Gilg Nana P. 441 Cameroun Au km 67 sur la route Bertoua - Ndemba II.
Thymelaeaceae Octolepis sp. Bos J.J. 3562 Cameroun About 10 km from Kribi, Edéa road.
Thymelaeaceae Octolepis sp. Bos J.J. 4370 Cameroun About 15 km Nof Kribi.
Thymelaeaceae Octolepis sp. Bos J.J. 5965 Cameroun 36 km from Kribi, riverine forest of Lokoundje R. just below the falls at Edéa.
Thymelaeaceae Octolepis sp. Bos J.J. 6337 Cameroun About 60 km N of Kribi, riverine forest of Bivouba river.
Thymelaeaceae Octolepis sp. Manning S.D. 1118 Cameroun Along path around approx. The Northeastern half of Ejagham lake. Approx. 3 km S of Eyumojock, Ejagham forest reserve.
Thymelaeaceae Octolepis sp. Manning S.D. 1690 Cameroun Area immediately adjacent to or less than 1 km S of rest house at Kindonge Camp, southern Bakundu forest Reserve.
Thymelaeaceae Octolepis sp. Satabié B. 427 Cameroun Nkol Bidjoka: 38 km SW de Lolodorf.
Thymelaeaceae Peddiea africana Harv. Tadjouteu 36 Cameroun Mt. Bamboutos, Fongo-Tongo, carte de Mamfe chute du complexe touristique de la Mammi-water
Thymelaeaceae Peddiea fischeri Engl. de Wilde W.J.J.O. 2341 Cameroun Bamena, about 15 km W of Banganté.
Thymelaeaceae Peddiea fischeri Engl. Fotius 3171 Cameroun 5 km Tello - Goundjel. 65 km ESE Ngaoundéré.
Thymelaeaceae Peddiea fischeri Engl. Jacques-Félix H. 8179 Cameroun Ngangue et colline voisine.

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