Les échantillons de l'Herbier YA

Famille Taxon Collecteur Numéro Pays Station de collecte
Sapindaceae Chytranthus sp. Letouzey R. 11318 Cameroun Vallée de la Tofini près Mbanga, 35 km SE de Yaoundé.
Sapindaceae Chytranthus sp. Letouzey R. 11431 Cameroun Colline Akoumokenguen, dite de Ngoakélé (1102 m), à 25 km à l'W de Ngoulémakong (route Mbalmayo - Ebolowa).
Sapindaceae Chytranthus sp. Letouzey R. 11652 Cameroun Près Djaposten, 30km NNW Lomié.
Sapindaceae Chytranthus sp. Letouzey R. 12277 Cameroun Forêt de Mambé près Boga (30 km N Eséka).
Sapindaceae Chytranthus sp. Letouzey R. 15225 Cameroun Près Meyo Ntem, sur la rive gauche du fleuve Ntem, près Ma'an, 75km W. Ambam.
Sapindaceae Chytranthus sp. Letouzey R. 15324 Cameroun 15 km ESE Ebodje, soit 45 km S Kribi.
Sapindaceae Chytranthus sp. Manning S.D. 2014 Cameroun Approx. 1,5 km E. of Libamba College, approx. 9 km E. of Makak.
Sapindaceae Chytranthus sp. Manning S.D. 2086 Cameroun Non-gallery forest off the road from Lola to Libamba, approx. 5 km ENE of Makak.
Sapindaceae Chytranthus sp. Mézili P. 239 Cameroun Pongo - Songo (Mouanko) Edéa.
Sapindaceae Chytranthus sp. Nkongmeneck B.-A. 353 Cameroun Près Ebianemeyong, 5 Km W. de Nyabessan. IGN Kribi - Nyabessan.
Sapindaceae Chytranthus sp. Satabié B. 878 Cameroun Environs de Kaluma dans reserve forestière de Takamanda, 15km SW Akwaya.
Sapindaceae Chytranthus sp. Thomas D.W. 4541 Cameroun Takamanda Forest Reserve
Sapindaceae Chytranthus sp. Thomas D.W. 4740 Cameroun Mature rain forest, in the Korup National Park, collected between the Ndian River at PAMOL field and 2,5 km on tansect ''P''.
Sapindaceae Chytranthus sp. Thomas D.W. 5808 Cameroun Mature rain forest, at Southern end of Korup National Park, along transect ''P'' and in 25 HA.
Sapindaceae Chytranthus sp. Thomas D.W. 7150 Cameroun Secondary forest at Bolo - Meboka, Kumba - Mamfe road.
Sapindaceae Chytranthus sp. Thomas D.W. 7812 Cameroun Ajaman, near Norlthern edge of Korup National Park. Secondary forest near village.
Sapindaceae Chytranthus sp. Thomas D.W. 8165 Cameroun Species-rich secondary forest around Banyu, 15 kms west of Manyemem
Sapindaceae Chytranthus sp. Thomas D.W. 8251 Cameroun Secondary forest and scrub around Baro village.
Sapindaceae Chytranthus sp. Webb J. 532 Cameroun Environs de Campo.
Sapindaceae Chytranthus talbotii (Baker f.) Keay Bos J.J. 3340 Cameroun 5 km from Kribi, Ebolowa road, shady wet high forest.

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