Les échantillons de l'Herbier YA

Famille Taxon Collecteur Numéro Pays Station de collecte
Acanthaceae Brillantaisia nitens Lindau Bamps P.R.J. 1403 Cameroun Eséka.
Acanthaceae Brillantaisia nitens Lindau Biholong M. 291 Cameroun 25 Km N.O. Yoko, route Yoko - Tibati, près village Djampa.
Acanthaceae Brillantaisia nitens Lindau de Wilde J.J.F.E. 7544 Cameroun 31km along the road from Ebolowa to Ambam.
Acanthaceae Brillantaisia nitens Lindau de Wilde W.J.J.O. 1152 Cameroun Nkolbisson, ca 8km W. of Yaoundé.
Acanthaceae Brillantaisia nitens Lindau de Wilde W.J.J.O. 1403 Cameroun Eséka.
Acanthaceae Brillantaisia nitens Lindau Etuge 3960 Cameroun Muawhonzum Trail.
Acanthaceae Brillantaisia nitens Lindau Etuge 3960 Cameroun Kodmin (Muawhonzum Trail).
Acanthaceae Brillantaisia nitens Lindau Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 8554 Cameroun Manengouba Mts., 4km WNW of Nkongsamba.
Acanthaceae Brillantaisia nitens Lindau Letouzey R. 3561 Cameroun Au NW de Kissi vers Bétaré Oya.
Acanthaceae Brillantaisia nitens Lindau Letouzey R. 10733 Cameroun Youngué, près Ndom, à 40km au Sud de Ndikinimeki.
Acanthaceae Brillantaisia nitens Lindau Manning S.D. 1045 Cameroun Path from Manja to Matamani, approx. 4km E. of Mundemba, Ndian division.
Acanthaceae Brillantaisia nitens Lindau Thomas D. 2609 Cameroun Above Buea, near Hut 1 on Cameroon Mountain.
Acanthaceae Brillantaisia nitens Lindau Thomas D. 4987 Cameroun Secondary forest near Mbu village, 10 km west of Kumba - Mamfe road at supe.
Acanthaceae Brillantaisia owariensis P.Beauv. B.E.S.H.L. 103 Cameroun Bambili (Bamenda S.C).
Acanthaceae Brillantaisia owariensis P.Beauv. B.E.S.H.M. 103 Cameroun Bambili (Bamenda).
Acanthaceae Brillantaisia owariensis P.Beauv. Ekema 15 Cameroun Mount Cameroon.
Acanthaceae Brillantaisia owariensis P.Beauv. Jacques-Félix H. 8849 Cameroun Ngaoundéré.
Acanthaceae Brillantaisia owariensis P.Beauv. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 7655 Cameroun 10km S. of Ngaoundéré, Station Fouragère de Wakwa.
Acanthaceae Brillantaisia owariensis P.Beauv. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 8994 Cameroun Chutes Ekom, Nkam R.
Acanthaceae Brillantaisia owariensis P.Beauv. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 9244 Cameroun Km 2 Essonsong Estate-Kola, N. side Mt. Koupé.

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