Les échantillons de l'Herbier YA

Famille Taxon Collecteur Numéro Pays Station de collecte
Violaceae Rinorea kamerunensis Engl. Thomas D.W. 6826 Cameroun Korup National Park
Violaceae Rinorea kamerunensis Engl. Thomas D.W. 6900 Cameroun Korup National park
Violaceae Rinorea kamerunensis Engl. Thomas D.W. 7545 Cameroun Old growth forest on flat, sandy area between Baro and Ikenge villages, along foot path, in the Korup National Park.
Violaceae Rinorea keayi Brenan Letouzey R. 2663 Cameroun Forêt au Sud de Dimako, rive droite de la rivière Mbonda
Violaceae Rinorea keayi Brenan Letouzey R. 12293 Cameroun Forêt de Mambé près Boga (30 km N Eséka)
Violaceae Rinorea leophylla Brandt Nkongmeneck B.-A. 904 Cameroun Mont Cameroun, flanc de Bafia. IGN Buea-Douala
Violaceae Rinorea leophylla Brandt Onana J.-M. 295 Cameroun Réserve de la Kienké, environ 30 km SE de Kribi
Violaceae Rinorea lepidobotrys Mildbr. Floret 541 Cameroun Reserve Forestière d'Ejagham, près de Mamfé
Violaceae Rinorea lepidobotrys Mildbr. Letouzey R. 1051 Cameroun Essam. IGN Nanga Eboko.
Violaceae Rinorea lepidobotrys Mildbr. Letouzey R. 1958 Cameroun Forêt sommitale du Mont Meza
Violaceae Rinorea lepidobotrys Mildbr. Letouzey R. 3374 Cameroun Piste Woutchaba - Samat (ex. Dikol). Flle IGN 1/2000 Deng Deng
Violaceae Rinorea lepidobotrys Mildbr. Nkongmeneck B.-A. 378 Cameroun Canon du Ntem, 10km SW de Nyabessan. Flle IGN 1/2000 Kribi - Nyabessan
Violaceae Rinorea lepidobotrys Mildbr. Thomas D.W. 6858 Cameroun Korup National Park
Violaceae Rinorea longicuspis Engl. Asonganyi J.N. 748 Cameroun At Tissongo, 16 km EES of Mouanko
Violaceae Rinorea longicuspis Engl. Bos J.J. 3507 Cameroun Seashore , 9 km N of Kribi, just inside littoral forest
Violaceae Rinorea longicuspis Engl. Bos J.J. 6390 Cameroun 22 km. from Kribi, 3 - 5 km. S of Lolodorf road, high forest
Violaceae Rinorea longicuspis Engl. de Wilde J.J.F.E. 7730 Cameroun Ekouk, 23 km on the road from Ebolowa to Mbalmayo. Cacao plantations with remnants of forest trees overhead
Violaceae Rinorea longicuspis Engl. de Wilde J.J.F.E. 7918 Cameroun 16 km. On the newly reconstructed road from Ebolowa to Minkok, and than about 1 km. to the left along a forest exploitation track.
Violaceae Rinorea longicuspis Engl. Endengle E. S.N Cameroun Douala (Route Razel)
Violaceae Rinorea longicuspis Engl. Koufani A. 38 Cameroun Foot of Ngongonjie hill, near Akonetye. 2°30 S of Ebolowa

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