Les échantillons de l'Herbier YA

Famille Taxon Collecteur Numéro Pays Station de collecte
Rubiaceae Canthium setosum Hiern Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 7415 Cameroun Left bank Sanaga R., between Ebaka and Bélabo.
Rubiaceae Canthium setosum Hiern Letouzey R. 9818 Cameroun Entre Tsang et Ebebda I, 10 km NNE de Monatélé. Flle IGN 1/2000 Bafia.
Rubiaceae Canthium sp. Biye E. 32 Cameroun Kodmin
Rubiaceae Canthium sp. Bos J.J. 3996 Cameroun Lobé R. about 5km above the falls.
Rubiaceae Canthium sp. Bos J.J. 4238 Cameroun 7-10 km S. of Kribi, S. bank Lobé R..
Rubiaceae Canthium sp. Bos J.J. 4345 Cameroun 8km from Kribi, Ebolowa road.
Rubiaceae Canthium sp. Bos J.J. 4911 Cameroun Kribi
Rubiaceae Canthium sp. Bos J.J. 5292 Cameroun 36km N. of Kribi, Lokoundje R..
Rubiaceae Canthium sp. Bos J.J. 5710 Cameroun 15km N. of Kribi, Edea road.
Rubiaceae Canthium sp. Bos J.J. 6610 Cameroun Km 28 Kribi - Lolodorf.
Rubiaceae Canthium sp. Breteler F.J. 787 Cameroun 5km along to Batouri and Betare-Oya.
Rubiaceae Canthium sp. Breteler F.J. 906 Cameroun Road Bertoua to Deng-Deng. 15km Nord of Bertoua.
Rubiaceae Canthium sp. Breteler F.J. 1642 Cameroun 40 km SE of Yaoundé.
Rubiaceae Canthium sp. Breteler F.J. 1859 Cameroun Catholic mission.
Rubiaceae Canthium sp. Breteler F.J. 1860 Cameroun Near catholic mission.
Rubiaceae Canthium sp. Breyne H. 5035 Cameroun Plus ou moins km 20, Bella - Bipindi.
Rubiaceae Canthium sp. Breyne H. 5038 Cameroun 3 km Est au Km 58, Edea - Kribi.
Rubiaceae Canthium sp. Cheek M. 9040 Cameroun Kodmin
Rubiaceae Canthium sp. C.N.A.D. 990 Cameroun Dschang
Rubiaceae Canthium sp. C.N.A.D. 1207 Cameroun Dschang.

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