Les échantillons de l'Herbier YA

Famille Taxon Collecteur Numéro Pays Station de collecte
Anthericaceae Chlorophytum orchidastrum Lindl. Letouzey R. 2150 Cameroun Yamba; IGN. Nanga Eboko
Anthericaceae Chlorophytum orchidastrum Lindl. Letouzey R. 2931 Cameroun Entre Yanda II et rivière Kibé.
Anthericaceae Chlorophytum orchidastrum Lindl. Letouzey R. 8154 Cameroun Mvem près Bitye (40 km ENE de Sangmelima).
Anthericaceae Chlorophytum orchidastrum Lindl. Letouzey R. 8183 Cameroun Mebemonko , 20km NO d'Oveng.
Anthericaceae Chlorophytum orchidastrum Lindl. Letouzey R. 8461 Cameroun Près de Mrkok (36 km ESE de Sangmelima).
Anthericaceae Chlorophytum orchidastrum Lindl. Letouzey R. 10459 Cameroun 15 km environ à l'ENE de MIKEL, village situé à 85 km au N de Moloundou sur la route de Yokadouma
Anthericaceae Chlorophytum orchidastrum Lindl. Manning S.D. 1624 Cameroun Prov; East: just N of Welele, between Yokadouma and Moloundou
Anthericaceae Chlorophytum orchidastrum Lindl. Nkongmeneck B.-A. 360 Cameroun Près Oveng, 8 km W de Nyabessan.
Anthericaceae Chlorophytum orchidastrum Lindl. Nkongmeneck B.-A. 781 Cameroun Environ Mvini, à 34 km à l'Est de Campo.
Anthericaceae Chlorophytum orchidastrum Lindl. Raynal J. 9577 Cameroun Nkoemvone (12 km S Ebolowa)
Anthericaceae Chlorophytum orchidastrum Lindl. Raynal J. 10365 Cameroun Ebemwok (55km W. Ebolowa).
Anthericaceae Chlorophytum orchidastrum Lindl. SCA 1907 Cameroun Indéterminé
Anthericaceae Chlorophytum orchidastrum Lindl. Thomas D.W. 3327 Cameroun Forest in north-eastern corner of Korup National Park; near Baro village.
Anthericaceae Chlorophytum orchidastrum Lindl. Villiers J.-F. 1491 Cameroun N village Mbuambong, 26km NNE Tombel.
Anthericaceae Chlorophytum petrophillum K.Krause Thomas D.W. 2809 Cameroun Forest on southern slope of Mount Cameroun, above Batoke.
Anthericaceae Chlorophytum pusillum Schweinf. ex Bak. Fotius s.n. Cameroun Col de Hoy.
Anthericaceae Chlorophytum sp. Bos J.J. 3037 Cameroun About 15 km from Kribi, Ebolowa road, Bidou II plantation in Kienke Forest Reserve.
Anthericaceae Chlorophytum sp. Bos J.J. 4720 Cameroun 1 km NE of Longi, riverine forestof Longi. Wet locality
Anthericaceae Chlorophytum sp. Bos J.J. 5320 Cameroun 3 km NE of Grand Batanga ferry in shady wet riverine forest of Lobé River tributary.
Anthericaceae Chlorophytum sp. Breteler F.J. 422 Cameroun Grounds of the cattle breeding cente at Wakwa, 10km South of Ngaoundéré.

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