Les échantillons de l'Herbier YA

Famille Taxon Collecteur Numéro Pays Station de collecte
Rubiaceae Coffea sp. Sugiyama 30 Cameroun Mvini à Campo.
Rubiaceae Coffea sp. Thomas D.W. 4190 Cameroun 6 km N. of Ekondo Titi on Mundemba road, both sides of the road.
Rubiaceae Coffea sp. Thomas D.W. 5001 Cameroun Forest near Pete, Southern Bakundu.
Rubiaceae Coffea sp. Thomas D.W. 5119 Cameroun 4 km West of Batoke village on Limbe - Idenao road, at the base of Mt. Cameroon.
Rubiaceae Coffea sp. Thomas D.W. 5204 Cameroun 40 km North of Kumba.
Rubiaceae Coffea sp. Thomas D.W. 5306 Cameroun Bakossi Mountains, West of Bangem.
Rubiaceae Coffea sp. Thomas D.W. 5366 Cameroun In the Bakossi Mountains, West of Bangam.
Rubiaceae Coffea sp. Thomas D.W. 5578 Cameroun Korup National Park.
Rubiaceae Coffea sp. Thomas D.W. 6952 Cameroun Valley of Mbilishe River, above Mbilishe village.
Rubiaceae Coffea sp. Thomas D.W. 7277 Cameroun 30km from Libongo Southwards.
Rubiaceae Coffea sp. Villiers J.-F. 2371 Cameroun Reserve Mokoko ; Mundongo 34km WNW Muyuka.
Rubiaceae Coffea sp. Villiers J.-F. 2454 Cameroun 6km NE Bomana, 34km NW Limbé.
Rubiaceae Coffea sp. Villiers J.-F. 2479 Cameroun 4km E. Bomana, 34km NW Limbé.
Rubiaceae Coffea sp. Villiers J.-F. 2494 Cameroun 6 km WNW Bomana, 34km NW Limbé.
Rubiaceae Coffea sp. Wit 3261 Cameroun Tcheboa
Rubiaceae Coffea spathicalyx K.Schum. Breteler F.J. 1306 Cameroun 6 km along road to Batouri and Bétaré Oya.
Rubiaceae Coffea spathicalyx K.Schum. Letouzey R. 11782 Cameroun Entre le Dja et Alat Makay, 15km au NNE de Mintom II (70km E. de Djoum). Flle IGN 1/2000 Mintom.
Rubiaceae Coffea spathicalyx K.Schum. Raynal J. 10559 Cameroun 28km NE Bafia.
Rubiaceae Coffea subcordata Hiern de Wilde W.J.J.O. 1651 Cameroun Nkolbisson, ca. 8km W. of Yaoundé.
Rubiaceae Coffea subcordata Hiern Letouzey R. 10044 Cameroun Près Abang Minkoo, 20km ESE d'Ambam. Flle IGN 1/2000 Ebolowa.

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