Les échantillons de l'Herbier YA

Famille Taxon Collecteur Numéro Pays Station de collecte
Acanthaceae Graptophyllum glandulosum Turrill Chetcha C. B. 1 Cameroun Mendong à Yaoundé
Acanthaceae Graptophyllum glandulosum Turrill Hijman M.E.E. 332 Cameroun Subdivision of Kumba, S. Bakundu reserve ca. S. of road to Kendonge Camp.
Acanthaceae Graptophyllum glandulosum Turrill Manning S.D. 451 Cameroun Along poath through forest, NW from Ehumseh, approx 7km W. of Bangem.
Acanthaceae Graptophyllum glandulosum Turrill Manning S.D. 489 Cameroun Approx. 6km W. of Bangem, along path N. of Ehyumseh for approx. O,5km, going mostly downhill (Est 50m) from village.
Acanthaceae Graptophyllum glandulosum Turrill Manning S.D. 634 Cameroun In area just approx. SW of old Mbu village.
Acanthaceae Graptophyllum glandulosum Turrill Manning S.D. 1158 Cameroun Approx. 6km W. of Forestry Department Rest House, Ejagham Forest Reserve, SW of yumojock.
Acanthaceae Graptophyllum glandulosum Turrill Nemba 311 Cameroun Mile 12 Mamfe road between Kumba and Baduma.
Acanthaceae Graptophyllum glandulosum Turrill Nemba 688 Cameroun Mbouge Matondo 2, Mamfe road.
Acanthaceae Graptophyllum glandulosum Turrill Thomas D. 4972 Cameroun Secondary forest near Mbu village, 10 km west of Kumba - Mamfe road at supe.
Acanthaceae Graptophyllum glandulosum Turrill Thomas D. 5011 Cameroun Forest near Pete, Southern Bakundu Forest Reserve.
Acanthaceae Graptophyllum glandulosum Turrill Thomas D. 5770 Cameroun Mature rain forest at southern end of Korup National Park, along transect P and in 25 HA study plot.
Acanthaceae Hygrophila abyssinica (Hochst. ex Nees) T.Anderson Fotius 2353 Cameroun 7km Adi, vers Bibémi.
Acanthaceae Hygrophila abyssinica (Hochst. ex Nees) T.Anderson Raynal J. 12458 Cameroun Ouro Haoussas (20 km ENE Garoua).
Acanthaceae Hygrophila abyssinica (Hochst. ex Nees) T.Anderson Raynal J. 12665 Cameroun Maltam (25 km ONO fort Foureau, Cameroun).
Acanthaceae Hygrophila africana (T. Anders) Heine Raynal J. 12815 Cameroun Gandjam (13 km WNW Yagoua).
Acanthaceae Hygrophila auriculata (Schumach.) Heine Bonny 7 Cameroun Meri (30 km NW Maroua).
Acanthaceae Hygrophila auriculata (Schumach.) Heine Bounougou E. 150 Cameroun 50km de Mokolo, sur route Mora.
Acanthaceae Hygrophila auriculata (Schumach.) Heine de Wilde W.J.J.O. 3096 Cameroun About 20km S. of Maroua, along main road.
Acanthaceae Hygrophila auriculata (Schumach.) Heine de Wilde W.J.J.O. 3526 Cameroun About 10km W. of Fort Foureau.
Acanthaceae Hygrophila auriculata (Schumach.) Heine Geerling C. 4495 Cameroun Parc National de Waza

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