Les échantillons de l'Herbier YA

Famille Taxon Collecteur Numéro Pays Station de collecte
Acanthaceae Justicia depauperata T.Anderson B.E.S.H.M. 142 Cameroun Bambui - Bamenda
Acanthaceae Justicia depauperata T.Anderson de Wilde J.J.F.E. 8517 Cameroun Near the village of Moundjo, SE of Bandjoun.
Acanthaceae Justicia depauperata T.Anderson Etuge 4018 Cameroun Kodmin (Abwoh).
Acanthaceae Justicia depauperata T.Anderson Jacques-Félix H. 8887 Cameroun Torrent du Mont Ndjinga.
Acanthaceae Justicia depauperata T.Anderson Lejoly J. 86 834 Cameroun Mont Nlonako, près de Nkongsamba ; village Enguengue.
Acanthaceae Justicia depauperata T.Anderson Letouzey R. 8062 Cameroun Près colline rocheuse de Zabondo : 25km au NE de Linté. Flle IGN 1/2000 Linté.
Acanthaceae Justicia depauperata T.Anderson Letouzey R. 8252 Cameroun Annvam (16km Est de Djoum). Flle IGN 1/2000 Djoum.
Acanthaceae Justicia depauperata T.Anderson Mackinder B. 151 Cameroun 10 km S. of Bangem.
Acanthaceae Justicia depauperata T.Anderson Mézili P. 6 Cameroun Mezese : 20km ENE de Sangmelima.
Acanthaceae Justicia depauperata T.Anderson Raynal J. 11959 Cameroun Yaoundé, Mt Mbankolo.
Acanthaceae Justicia depauperata T.Anderson Raynal J. 12276 Cameroun Galerie dégradée du Koudini.
Acanthaceae Justicia depauperata T.Anderson Surville 427 Cameroun Dschang.
Acanthaceae Justicia depauperata T.Anderson Swarbrick 2193 Cameroun Mueba, Tombel.
Acanthaceae Justicia depauperata T.Anderson Villiers J.-F. 942 Cameroun Mont Mbankolo (Yaoundé).
Acanthaceae Justicia extensa T.Anders. Bos J.J. 3217 Cameroun 6 Km S. of Kribi, forest edges on cassava gardens, near Catholic mission.
Acanthaceae Justicia extensa T.Anders. Bos J.J. 5534 Cameroun Formerly exploited high forest between Kienké R., and km 7 in Kribi-Ebolowa road.
Acanthaceae Justicia extensa T.Anderson Bos J.J. 3459 Cameroun 10km from Kribi, Lolodorf road.
Acanthaceae Justicia extensa T.Anderson Bos J.J. 5491 Cameroun Just E. of Kribi, edge of wet riverine forest on S. bank of Kienké R..
Acanthaceae Justicia extensa T.Anderson Breteler F.J. 760 Cameroun 14 N-E of Doumé, near the road of Dimako and Bertoua.
Acanthaceae Justicia extensa T.Anderson Breteler F.J. 2034 Cameroun 2km N.E of Nguélémendouka, near Bamo R..

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