Les échantillons de l'Herbier YA

Famille Taxon Collecteur Numéro Pays Station de collecte
Violaceae Rinorea subintegrifolia (P.Beauv.) Kuntze Thomas D.W. 5750 Cameroun Mature rain forest, at Southern end of Korup National Park, along transect ''P'' and in 25 HA
Violaceae Rinorea subsessilis Brandt Bos J.J. 4246 Cameroun 7-10 km S. of Kribi, S. bank Lobé River
Violaceae Rinorea subsessilis Brandt Bos J.J. 5101 Cameroun 20 km. from Kribi, 2 km. N. of Lolodorf road, high forest exploitation, ( SFIA )
Violaceae Rinorea subsessilis Brandt Bos J.J. 5154 Cameroun 20 km. from Kribi, forest exploitation N. of Lolodorf road, ( SFIA )
Violaceae Rinorea subsessilis Brandt Breteler F.J. 1366 Cameroun 43 km N. -W. of Bertoua. Secondary forest near road from Mbang to Ebaka
Violaceae Rinorea subsessilis Brandt de Wilde W.J.J.O. 2809 Cameroun Riverine forest. Bank Nyong River, near the new bridge, about 65km SSW of Eséka
Violaceae Rinorea subsessilis Brandt Farron C. 7262 Cameroun Réserve forestière d'Ototomo, à 40 km de Yaoundé sur la route de Kribi
Violaceae Rinorea subsessilis Brandt Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 6143 Cameroun km 8 of road Yokadouma - Moloundou
Violaceae Rinorea subsessilis Brandt Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 6723 Cameroun 8 km. E. of Lomié, along road to Eschienbot, W. of Polidor
Violaceae Rinorea subsessilis Brandt Letouzey R. 10881 Cameroun Près Ndokononoro, à 15 km au SW de Ndikinimeki
Violaceae Rinorea subsessilis Brandt Nana P. 222 Cameroun 94 km de Bertoua, piste Esseleke
Violaceae Rinorea subsessilis Brandt Nana P. 228 Cameroun En forêt aux alentours de la borne km 95, route Bertoua - Esseleke
Violaceae Rinorea subsessilis Brandt Sonké B. 150 Cameroun Réserve du Dja, 2km à l'Ouest de Malen 1, Layon. Nord-Sud, km 0 à 1.
Violaceae Rinorea subsessilis Brandt Sonké B. 1497 Cameroun Camerouin, Réserve de faune du Dja
Violaceae Rinorea subsessilis Brandt Sonké B. 1509 Cameroun Camerouin, Réserve de faune du Dja
Violaceae Rinorea subsessilis Brandt Thomas D. 3425 Cameroun Steep hillside on Ngovayang Mountain, above Bibondi village, near Lolodorf
Violaceae Rinorea subsessilis Brandt Thomas D.W. 5863 Cameroun Mature rain forest, at Southern end of Korup National Park, along transect ''P'' and in 25 HA
Violaceae Rinorea subsessilis Brandt Villiers J.-F. 1507 Cameroun W village Mbuambong, 26km NNE Tombel
Violaceae Rinorea verrucosa Chipp Mbarga A. 23 Cameroun Eséka ( Chantier LBC )
Violaceae Rinorea welwitschii (Oliv.) Kuntze Beentje H.J. 1602 Cameroun 18 km E. of Djoum

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