Les échantillons de l'Herbier YA

Famille Taxon Collecteur Numéro Pays Station de collecte
Acanthaceae Asystasia sp. Letouzey R. 3370 Cameroun Ouest de Bargel, près de la rivière TO. Flle. IGN. 1/2000 Deng-Deng.
Acanthaceae Asystasia sp. Letouzey R. 5604 Cameroun Entre Ntam et Asip : 75km ENE de Lomié.
Acanthaceae Asystasia sp. Letouzey R. 9747 Cameroun Près IRI (Feuille IGN Bafia).
Acanthaceae Asystasia sp. Letouzey R. 12874 Cameroun Près Ndogtima Nyong (15km NE de l'embouchure du Nyong).
Acanthaceae Asystasia sp. Manning S.D. 1051 Cameroun Path from Manja to Matamani, approx. 4 km E of Mundemba, Ndian Division.
Acanthaceae Asystasia sp. Mézili P. 242 Cameroun Pongo-Songo (Mouanko)
Acanthaceae Asystasia sp. Nditapah 278 Cameroun Kembong (Mamfe).
Acanthaceae Asystasia sp. Ogu 282 Cameroun Victoria, S. Cameroon.
Acanthaceae Asystasia sp. Satabié B. 434 Cameroun Nkol Bidjouka : 38km SW de Lolodorf.
Acanthaceae Asystasia sp. SCA 1995 Cameroun Indéterminée.
Acanthaceae Asystasia sp. Tamaki 159 Cameroun Ejagam Council Forest : Reserve in South West Province.
Acanthaceae Asystasia sp. Tamaki 189 Cameroun Ejagam Council Forest : Reserve in South West Province.
Acanthaceae Asystasia sp. Thomas D. 4981 Cameroun Secondary forest, near Mbu village, 10km West of Wome, which is on the Kumba - Mamfe road.
Acanthaceae Asystasia sp. Thomas D. 5034 Cameroun 1 Km from Government secondary school, Nyassosso.
Acanthaceae Asystasia vogeliana Benth. Asonganyi J.N. 760 Cameroun At Tissongo, 16km EES of Mouanko.
Acanthaceae Asystasia vogeliana Benth. Asonganyi J.N. 761 Cameroun At Tissongo, 16km EES of Mouanko.
Acanthaceae Asystasia vogeliana Benth. Beentje H.J. 1446 Cameroun 8km W. of Victoria, near refinery
Acanthaceae Asystasia vogeliana Benth. Beentje H.J. 1565 Cameroun Ebemvok, N. of village
Acanthaceae Asystasia vogeliana Benth. Breteler F.J. 776 Cameroun Bertoua, 5 km along road to Batouri and Bétaré Oya.
Acanthaceae Asystasia vogeliana Benth. Breteler F.J. 2144 Cameroun Mont Fébé, 3km NW of Yaoundé.

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