Les échantillons de l'Herbier YA

Famille Taxon Collecteur Numéro Pays Station de collecte
Acanthaceae Rungia camerunensis Champl. Beentje H.J. 1497 Cameroun 5km S. of Nkongsamba, W. slope of Mt. Nlonako.
Acanthaceae Rungia congoensis C.B.Clarke Ogu 268 Cameroun Victoria (Cameroun).
Acanthaceae Rungia grandis T.Anderson Breteler F.J. 2123 Cameroun 4 Km SE of Nguélémendouka, along road to Doumé.
Acanthaceae Rungia grandis T.Anderson de Kruif A.P.M. 757 Cameroun Near Kelemba, about km 27, road Yokadouma-Ndélélé : N. of Yokadouma.
Acanthaceae Rungia grandis T.Anderson Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 7425 Cameroun Ndjangané, 40km NNE of Km 29 of road Bertoua-Nanga Eboko, 13km S. of Ebaka.
Acanthaceae Rungia grandis T.Anderson Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 7772 Cameroun Mali (=Mari) R. fall, abouto 8 Km N. of Bétaré Oya.
Acanthaceae Rungia grandis T.Anderson Letouzey R. 3578 Cameroun Près Taparé - Bangbel, flle IGN 1/2000 Bétaré-Oya.
Acanthaceae Rungia grandis T.Anderson Letouzey R. (leg. Mpom) 11037 Cameroun Tomel - Massok, à 50 Km au Ne d'Edéa.Flle IGN 1/2000 Ndikinimeki.
Acanthaceae Rungia paucinervia (T.Anderson ex C.B.Clarke) Heine Letouzey R. 10835 Cameroun Près Ndoknabao, 30km au SW de Ndikinimeki, sur piste de Koko. Flle. IGN 1/2000 Ndikinimémi.
Acanthaceae Rungia paxiana (Lindau) C.B.Clarke Preuss P.R. 956 Cameroun Buea
Acanthaceae Ruspolia hypocrateriformis Lindau Fotius s.n. Cameroun Kossi
Acanthaceae Sanchezia nobilis Hook. f. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 9860 Cameroun Manengouba Mt., near N'kongsamba
Acanthaceae Sanchezia parvibracteata Sprague & Hutch. Dang D. 180 Cameroun Environs Station Principale de Pisciculture de Yaoundé.
Acanthaceae Schaueria populifolia C.B.Clarke Manning S.D. 916 Cameroun Along path from Fabe Road toward Fabe, approx. 5 Km NE of Mundemba.
Acanthaceae Schaueria populifolia C.B.Clarke Manning S.D. 1336 Cameroun 5 km SSE of Bipindi.
Acanthaceae Sclerochiton preussii (Lindau) C.B.Clarke Thomas D.W. 5105 Cameroun Forest on steep slopes on the western side of Mt. Kupe, a granitic horst.
Acanthaceae Staurogyne bicolor (Mildbr.) Champl. Bamps P.R.J. 1532 Cameroun Ebone (Nkongsamba - Douala, km 11).
Acanthaceae Staurogyne bicolor (Mildbr.) Champl. Biye E. 49 Cameroun Kupe Manenguba : (Kodmin).
Acanthaceae Staurogyne bicolor (Mildbr.) Champl. Etuge 4210 Cameroun Nyale forest and rock.
Acanthaceae Staurogyne bicolor (Mildbr.) Champl. Gosline 67 Cameroun Kupe-Manengouba division : Waterfall stream where trail reaches it.

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