Les échantillons de l'Herbier YA

Famille Taxon Collecteur Numéro Pays Station de collecte
Urticaceae Laportea alatipes Hook.f. IRCAM 648 Cameroun Bambouto Mts.
Urticaceae Laportea alatipes Hook.f. Letouzey R. 8894 Cameroun Piste du village d'Okou au mont Okou (3008 m) (45 Km SSO de Nkambe).
Urticaceae Laportea alatipes Hook.f. Letouzey R. 13236 Cameroun Versant occidental et crète sommitale de la montagne de Tabenken (2222 m), 10 km SE Nkambé.
Urticaceae Laportea alatipes Hook.f. Munyenyembe 717 Cameroun Mount Oku
Urticaceae Laportea alatipes Hook.f. Thomas D.W. 5981 Cameroun Forest, scrublands and grasslands around lake Oku and Mount Oku.
Urticaceae Laportea alatipes Hook.f. Thomas D.W. 9394 Cameroun Mt. Cameroon; vicinity of Bokwango hut 3.
Urticaceae Laportea mooreana (Hiern) Chew de Wilde W.J.J.O. 3335 Cameroun About 10 Km NE of Mokolo.
Urticaceae Laportea mooreana (Hiern) Chew Jacques-Félix H. 8414 Cameroun Région de Poli; pentes sud du Hosséré Godé.
Urticaceae Laportea mooreana (Hiern) Chew Letouzey R. 6025 Cameroun Ngaoundere
Urticaceae Laportea mooreana (Hiern) Chew Letouzey R. 8528 Cameroun Gaui (25 km NNO Banyo).
Urticaceae Laportea mooreana (Hiern) Chew Letouzey R. 14014 Cameroun Vallon encaissé de la Katsina Ala au SW de Kwaf, 45 km N Wum.
Urticaceae Laportea mooreana (Hiern) Chew Swarbrick 2283 Cameroun Above hut 1, Cameroon Mt.
Urticaceae Laportea ovalifolia (Schumach.) Chew Betti J. L. 326 Cameroun Camerouin, Réserve de faune du Dja
Urticaceae Laportea ovalifolia (Schumach.) Chew Bos J.J. 5295 Cameroun Edéa, 36km N of Kribi, secondary regrowth on islet between Lokoundje bridges.
Urticaceae Laportea ovalifolia (Schumach.) Chew Breteler F.J. 250 Cameroun Montane forest between hut 1 and Buea.
Urticaceae Laportea ovalifolia (Schumach.) Chew Breteler F.J. 1474 Cameroun Yokadouma, 5km along road to Medoum. Near river Mwamedjan.
Urticaceae Laportea ovalifolia (Schumach.) Chew Breteler F.J. 1943 Cameroun Nkolbison, 7 Km W de Yaoundé.
Urticaceae Laportea ovalifolia (Schumach.) Chew Brunt 1062 Cameroun Indéterminée.
Urticaceae Laportea ovalifolia (Schumach.) Chew Cheek M. 8438 Cameroun Oku - Elak to the forest at transect KA.
Urticaceae Laportea ovalifolia (Schumach.) Chew Cheek M. 8614 Cameroun Lumeto Forest near Oku - Elak.

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