Les échantillons de l'Herbier LBV

Famille Taxon Collecteur Numéro Pays Station de collecte
Sapindaceae Chytranthus Hook.f. Raymakers 205 Gabon Bordamur.
Sapindaceae Chytranthus Hook.f. Reitsma J.M. 946 Gabon c. 10 km NE of Libreville.
Sapindaceae Chytranthus Hook.f. Simons 630 Gabon Libreville. Arboretum de Sibang, Parcelle I.
Sapindaceae Chytranthus Hook.f. Simons 653 Gabon Libreville. Arboretum de Sibang, Parcelle II.
Sapindaceae Chytranthus Hook.f. Sosef 1406 Gabon ± 30 km sur la route Doussala - Bongo, dans une direction Nord-Ouest.
Sapindaceae Chytranthus Hook.f. Sosef 2556 Gabon E of Waka National Park, along the road from Mimongo village heading in SE direction.
Sapindaceae Chytranthus Hook.f. Stévart 3992 Gabon Birougou National Park, Massif du Chaillu, 40 km SE of Mbigou, 5.5 km E of Moukimbi village. MBG transect T59.
Sapindaceae Chytranthus Hook.f. Wilks 1146 Gabon 6km SSW de confluent Mitemboni-Lona.
Sapindaceae Chytranthus Hook.f. Wilks 1269 Gabon 7km WSW de Mimongo.
Sapindaceae Chytranthus Hook.f. Wilks AP 3235 Gabon NW de Mbe Akelayong, 2120m on transect Y.
Sapindaceae Chytranthus klaineanus Radlk. ex Engl. Breteler F.J. 9928 Gabon c. 30 km NE of Lastoursville, forest exploitation on right bank of Ogooué River.
Sapindaceae Chytranthus macrobotrys (Gilg) Exell & Mendonça Breteler F.J. 14695 Gabon Makande surroundings, c. 65 km SSW of Booué.
Sapindaceae Chytranthus macrobotrys (Gilg) Exell & Mendonça Breteler F.J. 14756 Gabon Makande surroundings, c. 65 km SSW of Booué.
Sapindaceae Chytranthus macrobotrys (Gilg) Exell & Mendonça Breteler F.J. 14863 Gabon Makande surroundings, c. 65 km SSW of Booué. Km 30 Makande - La Lopé.
Sapindaceae Chytranthus macrobotrys (Gilg) Exell & Mendonça de Wilde J.J.F.E. 9823 Gabon 30 km S of Rabi, near Echira River.
Sapindaceae Chytranthus macrobotrys (Gilg) Exell & Mendonça de Wilde J.J.F.E. 10945 Gabon Rabi, 44 km S of Shell/Gabon basecamp.
Sapindaceae Chytranthus macrobotrys (Gilg) Exell & Mendonça de Wilde J.J.F.E. 11262 Gabon Gamba, 12.4 km from Gamba airport, in SE direction, following the Bouda-road.
Sapindaceae Chytranthus macrobotrys (Gilg) Exell & Mendonça de Wilde J.J.F.E. 11561 Gabon Massif de Koumounabwali. 16 km along the Bondolo river, counting from the road Lambaréné-Fougamou.
Sapindaceae Chytranthus macrobotrys (Gilg) Exell & Mendonça Towns 793 Gabon Raponda-Walker Arboretum.
Sapindaceae Chytranthus macrobotrys (Gilg) Exell & Mendonça Wieringa J.J. 6100 Gabon c.35 km ENE of Lastoursville, 7 km on forestry road from Bambidie to Mbelata (N of Bambidie forestry camp).

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