Les échantillons de l'Herbier HNG

Famille Taxon Collecteur Numéro Pays Station de collecte
Rubiaceae Pauridiantha afzelii (Hiern) Bremek. Lopez Poveda, L, 176 Guinée Conakry Yema river. 1km N from Sabouya. Gallery forest.
Rubiaceae Pauridiantha afzelii (Hiern) Bremek. Molmou D. 475 Guinée Conakry Tonkoyah
Rubiaceae Pavetta corymbosa (DC.) F.N.Williams Guilavogui K. 592 Guinée Conakry Sérédou/ massif de Ziama
Rubiaceae Pavetta corymbosa (DC.) F,N,Williams var corymbosa Cheek M. 16644 Guinée Conakry Forecariah prefcture. s of Sikhourou town. Tabékhouré village. Evergreen trees along permenant stream of granite.
Rubiaceae Pavetta corymbosa (DC.) F,N,Williams var corymbosa Cheek M. 16761 Guinée Conakry Sengulen Moofanyi inserlberg (feminine) Inselberg belt forest under Elaeis. Managed.
Rubiaceae Pavetta lasioclada (K.Krause) Mildbr. ex Bremek. Lopez Poveda, L, 102 Guinée Conakry Tokounou
Rubiaceae Pouchetia africana DC. Cheek M. 16683 Guinée Conakry Singuelen village north to the two granite inselbergs Moofani on an estuary.
Rubiaceae Pouchetia africana DC. Merklinger F,F 91 Guinée Conakry Tonkoya.Rock crevice on granite inselberg.
Rubiaceae Pouchetia africana DC. Molmou D. 445 Guinée Conakry Near Singuelen village. after Mafarenya. Port Rock 5
Rubiaceae Pouchetia africana DC. Molmou D. A 449 Guinée Conakry Forecariah prefcture. River crossing on main road. Mafarenya-Forecariah 5km.
Rubiaceae Pouchetia africana DC. Molmou D. 474 Guinée Conakry Tonkoyah
Rubiaceae Pouchetia africana DC. Pollard, B,J, 1521 Guinée Conakry Kalekhouré. Inselberg forest understorey.
Rubiaceae Psychotria biaurita Hutch. & Dalziel Kourouma M,S, 8 Guinée Conakry Sonfonia
Rubiaceae Psychotria bibracteata O,Lachenaud ined, Molmou D. 478 Guinée Conakry Tonkoyah
Rubiaceae Psychotria bibracteata O,Lachenaud ined, Pollard, B,J, 1475 A Guinée Conakry Tenya
Rubiaceae Psychotria bidentata Hiern Merklinger F,F 57 Guinée Conakry Kamsar. Oil palm dominated forest with dense understory within mangrove.
Rubiaceae Psychotria peduncularis (Salisb.) Steyerm. Cheek M. 16693 Guinée Conakry Singuelen village north to the two granite inselbergs Moofani on an estuary.
Rubiaceae Psychotria sp. Camara Ni, ; Doré T,S, ; Sow B, 10 Guinée Conakry Kassapo
Rubiaceae Psychotria sp. Keïta S,M, Doré T,S, Sow B, 22 Guinée Conakry Kanfarandé
Rubiaceae Psydrax parviflora (Afzel.) Bridson Molmou D. 502 Guinée Conakry Kalekhouré

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