Les échantillons de l'Herbier HNG

Famille Taxon Collecteur Numéro Pays Station de collecte
Rubiaceae Cremaspora triflora (Thonn.) K. Schum. Doumbouya S. 136 Guinée Conakry Banian. top of an old quarry. Zone herbeuse. sur la pente de la colline. coté NS
Rubiaceae Crossopteryx febrifuga (Afzel. ex G.Don) Benth. Doumbouya S. 102 Guinée Conakry 7 km on the road from kerouane to Kedjandou.
Rubiaceae Crossopteryx febrifuga (Afzel. ex G.Don) Benth. Keïta S,M, Doré T,S, Sow B, 62 Guinée Conakry Kanfarandé
Rubiaceae Crossopteryx febrifuga (Afzel. ex G.Don) Benth. Molmou D. 450 Guinée Conakry Forecariah prefcture. River crossing on main road. Mafarenya-Forecariah 5km.
Rubiaceae Cuviera macroura K. Schum. Cheek M. 16616 Guinée Conakry Madina-oula. Sekou Soriya. Cleared area with slumps of woodland trees. Granite rocks present.
Rubiaceae Euclinia longiflora Salisb. Merklinger F,F 60 Guinée Conakry Kamsar. Oil palm dominated forest with dense understory within mangrove.
Rubiaceae Fadogia erythrophloea (K.Schum. & K.Krause) Hutch. & Dalziel Lopez Poveda, L, 104 Guinée Conakry Tokounou
Rubiaceae Gardenia erubescens Stapf & Hutch. Couch, C,A, 600 Guinée Conakry Approx 700m from village of Konsankoro onthe road to Beyla. Hill to the east.
Rubiaceae Gardenia triacantha DC. Cheek M. 16495 Guinée Conakry Oure Kaba to Mamou. c.8km
Rubiaceae Gardenia triacantha DC. Cheek M. 16558 Guinée Conakry Oure Kaba.
Rubiaceae Gardenia triacantha DC. Cheek M. 16580 Guinée Conakry Madina-oula. Frigiya village. about 20km NE of Madina-oula. Evergreen forest along stream with granite boulders.
Rubiaceae Geophila obvallata (Schumach.) Didr. Camara Ni, ; Doré T,S, ; Sow B, 36 Guinée Conakry Kabata
Rubiaceae Guyonia pygmaea (A.Chev. & Jacq.-Fél.) Ver.-Lib. & R.D.Stone Konomou G. 605 Guinée Conakry Khorira, Bawa, sur le plateau de séguéri
Rubiaceae Hymenodictyon floribundum (Steud. & Hochst.) B.L.Rob. Pollard, B,J, 1547 Guinée Conakry Mansombombon. Inselberg amongst flush vegetation.
Rubiaceae Ixora sp, Camara Ni, ; Doré T,S, ; Sow B, 11 Guinée Conakry Kassapo
Rubiaceae Ixora sp. Pollard, B,J, 1514 Guinée Conakry Tonkoya. Inselberg 7. Margin of Elaeis forest.
Rubiaceae Ixora sp. Tounkara F, 27 Guinée Conakry UGAN
Rubiaceae Ixora sp. nov. Gandeka A. 252 Guinée Conakry UGAN
Rubiaceae Leptactina densiflora Hook, var, glabra Hutch, Merklinger F,F 71 Guinée Conakry Tenya. In thicket between two patches of flat granite inselberg patches
Rubiaceae Leptactina senegambica Hook. f. Cheek M. 16634 Guinée Conakry Kindia-Kolente. Colline Tamigaya near Bonton village.

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