Les échantillons de l'Herbier HNG

Famille Taxon Collecteur Numéro Pays Station de collecte
Moraceae Ficus exasperata Vahl Pollard, B,J, 1496 Guinée Conakry Tonkoya. Elaeis forest near mangroves.
Moraceae Ficus glumosa Delile Cheek M. P 4 Guinée Conakry Simandou Range. Pic de Fon area. Plot G1. Savanna.
Moraceae Ficus glumosa Delile Cheek M. 12529 Guinée Conakry Simandou. Canga East (Rio Tinto Camp). Savanna.
Moraceae Ficus glumosa Delile Diakhaby M.S. 35 Guinée Conakry Route Samba
Moraceae Ficus glumosa Delile Doumbouya S. 103 Guinée Conakry 7 km on the road from kerouane to Kedjandou.
Moraceae Ficus glumosa Delile Merklinger F,F 90 Guinée Conakry Tonkoya. Rock crevice on granite inselberg.
Moraceae Ficus glumosa Delile Molmou D. 410 Guinée Conakry Dramafita. close to Oure Kaba.mamou.
Moraceae Ficus glumosa Delile Sow B. 406 Guinée Conakry Singuelen village north to the two granite inselbergs Moofani on an estuary.
Moraceae Ficus natalensis Hochst. Cheek M. 16698 Guinée Conakry Singuelen village north to the two granite inselbergs Moofani on an estuary.
Moraceae Ficus ovata Vahl Cheek M. 16561 Guinée Conakry Oure Kaba
Moraceae Ficus ovata Vahl Couch, C,A, 572 Guinée Conakry Simandou Range. Approx. 1.8 km South of Fokou (Hill 1310) peak on east facing slope.
Moraceae Ficus sagittifolia Mildbr. & Burret Tchiengue B. 726 Guinée Conakry Simandou Range. between Pic de Fon and village Banko. Plot Bank01.
Moraceae Ficus saussureana DC. Harvey Y, 82 Guinée Conakry Pic de Fon. forest plot Y3. adjacent to elephant rock. Sub montane forest. aspect SE; vouchers in plot Nos 57-89.
Moraceae Ficus sp. Cheek M. 16700 Guinée Conakry Singuelen
Moraceae Ficus sp. Doumbouya S. 131 Guinée Conakry Banian. Rocky area. granite. base of the old quarry.
Moraceae Ficus sp. Harvey Y, 209 Guinée Conakry Simandou Range. Pic de Fon . forest plot Y9. forest East of pdf 145. Sub montane forest. aspect East.
Moraceae Ficus sp. Lopez Poveda, L, 122 Guinée Conakry Solonyereya village. south of Kalia in Marella subprefecture.
Moraceae Ficus sur Forssk. Konomou G. 36 Guinée Conakry Ansoumaniah
Moraceae Ficus sur Forssk. Tchiengue B. T 187 Guinée Conakry Simandou Range. Pic de Fon area. at bittom. west side of ridge. region of village of Banko.
Moraceae Ficus trichopoda Engl. Tchiengue B. 2416 Guinée Conakry Along the side of Milo- a tributary of the Niger river.

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