Les échantillons de l'Herbier HNG

Famille Taxon Collecteur Numéro Pays Station de collecte
Euphorbiaceae Maesobotrya barteri var. sparsiflora (Baill.) Hutch. Fofana F. 117 Guinée Conakry Kinadou. Forêt de Ziama. proche de la ville de Sérédou.
Euphorbiaceae Maesobotrya barteri var. sparsiflora Keay Tchiengue B. 2299 Guinée Conakry Simandou range; Banko forest. Plot 1.
Euphorbiaceae Maesobotrya barteri var sparsiflora (Sc. Elliot) Keay Tchiengue B. T 18 Guinée Conakry Simandou range.j Pic de fon area. at bottom. west side or ridge. near village of Banko.
Euphorbiaceae Maesobotrya dusenii (Pax) Hutch. Burgt X. M. Van der 1281 Guinée Conakry Simandou range. west of Pic de fon. east of Banko village. near Banko camp.
Euphorbiaceae Maesobotrya staudtii (Pax) Hutch. Goman A,S, 209 Guinée Conakry Siamadou Range
Euphorbiaceae Mallotus oppositifolius (Geiseler) Müll.Arg. Baldé, A. 389 Guinée Conakry Koukoutamba. Village de Koukoutamba bordures du fleuve Bafing
Euphorbiaceae Mallotus oppositifolius (Geiseler) Müll.Arg. Tchiengue B. 2415 Guinée Conakry Along the side of Milo - a tributary of the Niger river.
Euphorbiaceae Manniophyton fulvum Müll.Arg. Burgt X. M. Van der 1326 Guinée Conakry Simandou Range. south of pic de Fon. east of the range.
Euphorbiaceae Manniophyton fulvum Müll.Arg. Simandou plots 85 Guinée Conakry Simandou Range. Forest west of de Fon . approx. 10 km from Banko village.
Euphorbiaceae Manniophyton fulvum Müll.Arg. Tchiengue B. T 176 Guinée Conakry Simandou Range . Pic de Fon. area. at bouttom. west side of ridge. region of village of Banko. Plot No.T3.
Euphorbiaceae Mareya micrantha (Benth.) Müll.Arg. Darbyshire I. A. 566 Guinée Conakry Kérouané.Langbalema Mt.ridge to N of Kérouané-Banankoro road.
Euphorbiaceae Mareya micrantha (Benth.) Müll.Arg. Guilavogui K. 572 Guinée Conakry Zapa village
Euphorbiaceae Mareya micrantha subsp. micrantha (Benth.) Müll.Arg. Haba P.K. 493 Guinée Conakry Simandou Range. piste entre Ouleba et le village Lamadou
Euphorbiaceae Mareya micrantha subsp. micrantha (Benth.) Müll.Arg. Simandou plots 16 Guinée Conakry Siamadou Range. Forest west of pic de Fon. approx.10 km from Banko village
Euphorbiaceae Mareya micrantha subsp. micrantha (Benth.) Müll.Arg. Tchiengue B. T 195 Guinée Conakry Smandou range. Pic de Fon area. at bottom. west side of ridge. region of village of Banko. Plot N° T3.
Euphorbiaceae Mareya micrantha subsp. micrantha (Benth.) Müll.Arg. Tchiengue B. T 809 Guinée Conakry Simandou range.between pic de Fon and village banko. Plot Bank 07.
Euphorbiaceae Mareya micrantha subsp. micrantha (Benth.) Müll.Arg. Tchiengue B. T 823 Guinée Conakry Simandou Range. between Pic de Fon and Village Banko. Plot Bank08.
Euphorbiaceae Mareya micrantha subsp. micrantha (Benth.) Müll.Arg. Traoré A, 204 Guinée Conakry Simandou Range. ouest de pic de Fon. autour de Banko Camp.
Euphorbiaceae Margaritaria discoidea (Baill.) G,L,Webster var, discoidea Cheek M. 16527 Guinée Conakry Oure Kaba. Colline Pamadela.
Euphorbiaceae Margaritaria discoidea (Baill.) Webster Burgt, X.M. van der; Cissé, S. V 72 Guinée Conakry Simandou range. About 500 m aong the track from Oueleba 2 (camp of Rio Tinto mining company) to the south. East of the track. Plot V5.

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