Les échantillons de l'Herbier HNG

Famille Taxon Collecteur Numéro Pays Station de collecte
Cyperaceae Nemum spadiceum (Lam.) Desv. Traoré A, 14 Guinée Conakry Mts Tetini chemin entre le village Tagbedou et le Mt Tetini. dans les Monts Tetini.
Cyperaceae Oxycaryum cubense (Poep. & Kunth) Lye Camara Ni, ; Doré T,S, ; Sow B, 28 Guinée Conakry Kabata
Cyperaceae Pycreus capillifolius (A. Rich.) C.B. Clarke Cheek M. 12752 Guinée Conakry Simandou range. Queleba Swamp.
Cyperaceae Pycreus capillifolius (A. Rich.) C.B. Clarke Cheek M. 16745 Guinée Conakry Sengulen Moofanyi inserlberg (masculine). Slope to landward side E.
Cyperaceae Pycreus capillifolius (A. Rich.) C.B. Clarke Haba P.K. 631 Guinée Conakry Simandou Range. Canga East or Oueleba (coordinates were taken from Canga East; Oueleba is c. 10 km to the North)
Cyperaceae Pycreus flavescens (L.) Rchb. Burgt X. M. Van der 1236 Guinée Conakry Simandou range. west slopes of the range. south of Pic de Fon.
Cyperaceae Pycreus flavescens (L.) Rchb. Haba P.K. 395 Guinée Conakry Simandou Range
Cyperaceae Pycreus flavescens (L.) Rchb. Haba P.K. 397 Guinée Conakry Simandou range
Cyperaceae Pycreus lanceolatus (Poir.) C.B.Clarke Haba P.K. 599 Guinée Conakry Simandou Range. Canga East or Oueleba (coordinates were taken from Canga East; Oueleba is c. 10 km to the North)
Cyperaceae Pycreus macrostachyos (Lam.) J. Raynal Pollard, B,J, 1506 Guinée Conakry Tonkoya.
Cyperaceae Pycreus sp. Cheek M. 12745 Guinée Conakry Simandou range; Queleba 2. in the Rio Tinto camp.
Cyperaceae Pycreus sp. Cheek M. 13213 Guinée Conakry Simandou range. Queleba 2 to Queleba 1. Plot V4.
Cyperaceae Pycreus sp, aff, polystachyos (Rottb.) Beauv, Pollard, B,J, 1508 Guinée Conakry Tonkoya. Inselberg 7. near mapping poit 9.
Cyperaceae Rhynchospora corymbosa (L.) Britt. Guilavogui K. 533 Guinée Conakry Approx. 5km SE from Tokounou
Cyperaceae Rhynchospora corymbosa (L.) Britt. Guilavogui K. 548 Guinée Conakry Sandenia. Galerry forest 700m E of Kambambo. near the border with Sierra Leone.
Cyperaceae Rhynchospora corymbosa (L.) Britt. Konomou G. 54 Guinée Conakry Kobaya
Cyperaceae Rhynchospora corymbosa (L.) Britt. Oliano S, 35 Guinée Conakry Kobaya
Cyperaceae Scirpus briziformis Hutch. Diakaby M,S, et Barry I, 10 Guinée Conakry Monts-Nimba/ Savane
Cyperaceae Scleria Diallo A. 1525 Guinée Conakry Simandou range Moribadou - Canga East (Rio Tinto Camp).
Cyperaceae Scleria boivinii Steud. Burgt X. M. Van der 1318 Guinée Conakry Simandou Range. Pic de Fon area. west of the pass between villages Moribadou and Lamadou.

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