Les échantillons de l'Herbier HNG

Famille Taxon Collecteur Numéro Pays Station de collecte
Celastraceae Salacia senegalensis (Lam.) DC. Cheek M. 16637 Guinée Conakry Forecariah prefcture. S of Sikhourou town. Tabékhouré village.Granite slope 15 degrees to 5.
Celastraceae Salacia senegalensis (Lam.) DC. Merklinger F,F 74 Guinée Conakry Tenya. in thicket between two granite inselberg outcrops
Celastraceae Salacia senegalensis (Lam.) DC. Merklinger F,F 85 Guinée Conakry Mofanyi Inselberg. Forecariah.
Celastraceae Salacia senegalensis (Lam.) DC. Molmou D. 459 Guinée Conakry Sabouya Foury (old site for Sabouya village)
Celastraceae Salacia sp. Camara Ni, ; Doré T,S, ; Sow B, 50 Guinée Conakry Kabata
Celastraceae Salacia staudtiana Loes. var. leonensis Loes. Molmou D. 501 Guinée Conakry Kalekhouré
Chrysobalanaceae Bafodeya benna (Scott-Elliot) Prance Cheek M. 16526 Guinée Conakry Oure Kaba. Colline Pamadela.
Chrysobalanaceae Bafodeya benna (Scott-Elliot) Prance Cheek M. 16551 A Guinée Conakry Oure Kaba. Colline Pamadela.
Chrysobalanaceae Bafodeya benna (Scott-Elliot) Prance Cheek M. 16630 Guinée Conakry Kindia-Kolente. Colline Tamigaya near Bonton village.
Chrysobalanaceae Bafodeya benna (Scott-Elliot) Prance Molmou D. 412 Guinée Conakry Oure Kaba to Mamou. c.8km
Chrysobalanaceae Dactyladenia scabrifolia (Hua) Prance & F.White Guilavogui K. 552 Guinée Conakry Sandenia. Galerry forest 700m E of Kambambo. near the border with Sierra Leone.
Chrysobalanaceae Parinari curatellifolia Planch. ex Benth. Couch, C,A, 610 Guinée Conakry Approx 700m from village of Konsankoro onthe road to Beyla. Hill to the east.
Chrysobalanaceae Parinari curatellifolia Planch. ex Benth. Lopez Poveda, L, 79 Guinée Conakry Kedjandou
Chrysobalanaceae Parinari excelsa Sabine Condé G, 8 Guinée Conakry Labé
Chrysobalanaceae Parinari macrophylla Sabine Bangoura Re. 27 Guinée Conakry Boffa
Clusiaceae Garcinia afzelii Engl. Cheek M. 16593 Guinée Conakry Madina-oula. Frigiya village. about 20km NE of Madina-oula. Evergreen forest along stream with granite boulders.
Clusiaceae Garcinia smeathmannii (Planch. & Triana) Oliv. Lopez Poveda, L, 180 Guinée Conakry Yema river. 1km N from Sabouya. Gallery forest.
Clusiaceae Garcinia smeathmannii (Planch. & Triana) Oliv. sans nom de collecteur 16586 Guinée Conakry Madina-oula. Frigiya village. about 20km NE of Madina-oula. Evergreen forest along stream with granite boulders.
Clusiaceae Psorospermum febrifugum Hochr. Diakaby M,S, et Barry I, 53 Guinée Conakry Monts-Nimba
Colchicaceae Gloriosa superba L. Konomou G. 62 Guinée Conakry Somaya Plateau

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