Les échantillons de l'Herbier HNG

Famille Taxon Collecteur Numéro Pays Station de collecte
Melastomataceae Dissotis grandiflora (Sm.) Benth. Guilavogui K. 508 Guinée Conakry 7 km West from kerouane. close to the village of Kedjandou. At Quarry site7.
Melastomataceae Dissotis rotundifolia (Sm.) Triana var. rotundifolia Guilavogui K. 531 Guinée Conakry Approx. 5km SE from Tokounou
Melastomataceae Dissotis senegambiensis (Guill. & Perr.) Triana var. senegambiensis Tounkara F, 1 Guinée Conakry Ansoumaniah
Melastomataceae Melastomastrum cf, afzelii (Hook. f.) A. & R. Fern. Guilavogui K. 530 Guinée Conakry Approx. 5km SE from Tokounou
Melastomataceae Melastomastrum sp, aff, cornifolium (Benth.) Jacq.-Fél. Pollard, B,J, 1538 Guinée Conakry Mansombombon. Rock crevices on rocks.
Melastomataceae Melastomataceae : indéterminée Lopez Poveda, L, 90 Guinée Conakry Tokounou
Melastomataceae Memecylon afzelii G.Don Merklinger F,F 76 Guinée Conakry Tenya. In pasch of forest at foot of granite inselberg adjacent to Mangrove swamp.
Melastomataceae Memecylon afzelii G.Don Merklinger F,F 97 Guinée Conakry Mansombombon. Elaeis forest at foot of granite inselberg adjacent to mangrove swamp.
Melastomataceae Tristemma cf, mauritianum J.F.Gmel. Lopez Poveda, L, 138 Guinée Conakry 8km South west from sabouya. Dalakhoumba. 50x100m. 25x25m
Melastomataceae Warneckea cinnamomoides (G.Don) Jacq.-Fél. Merklinger F,F 73 Guinée Conakry Tenya.in thichet between two inselberg outcrops
Meliaceae Azadirachta indica A.Juss. Camara A. K. 3 Guinée Conakry UGAN
Meliaceae Azadirachta indica A.Juss. Diallo H,L, 3 Guinée Conakry UGAN
Meliaceae Azadirachta indica A.Juss. Konomou G. 43 Guinée Conakry UGAN
Meliaceae Azadirachta indica A.Juss. Tounkara F, 13 Guinée Conakry UGAN
Meliaceae Carapa procera DC. Cheek M. 16585 Guinée Conakry Madina-oula. Frigiya village. about 20km NE of Madina-oula. Evergreen forest along stream with granite boulders.
Meliaceae Carapa procera DC. Laws S, 33 Guinée Conakry Simandou Range. Riveire forest.
Meliaceae Entandrophragma angolense (Welw.) C.DC. Fofana F, 139 Guinée Conakry Mont Ziama. Nord of Seredou on road to Macenta. Zone Zoboroma.
Meliaceae Guarea cedrata (A.Chev.) Pellegr. Harvey Y, 175 Guinée Conakry Simandou Range. Pic de Fon . forest plot Y7. South flank of western spurforest south of pdf.
Meliaceae Guarea cedrata (A.Chev.) Pellegr. Tchiengue B. 834 Guinée Conakry Simandou Range. forest west of Pic de Foko. Plot Fok03.
Meliaceae Guarea cedrata (Chev.) Pell. Couch, C,A,; Haba p,; Traoré A,; Camara Nfali Van der Burgt; Haba P,; Camara Mamady 21 Guinée Conakry Simandou Range. Forest west of Pic de Fon. approx. 10 km from Banko village.

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