Les échantillons de l'Herbier HNG

Famille Taxon Collecteur Numéro Pays Station de collecte
Costaceae Costus spectabilis (Fenzl) K. Schum. Guilavogui K. 496 Guinée Conakry 7 km West from kerouane. close to the village of Kedjandou. At Quarry site7.
Cucurbitaceae Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Mansf. Konomou G. 57 Guinée Conakry Somaya Plateau
Cucurbitaceae Cucumis sativus L. Millimono T,B, 6 Guinée Conakry Coyah
Cucurbitaceae Cucurbita maxima Lam. Millimono T,B, 15 Guinée Conakry Coya
Cucurbitaceae Momordica cissoides Planch. ex Benth. Gandeka A. 272 Guinée Conakry Coyah
Cucurbitaceae Mukia maderaspatana (L.) M.J.Roem. Guilavogui K. 522 Guinée Conakry 600m from Konsankoro on the road to Beyla.
Cucurbitaceae Mukia maderaspatana (L.) M.J.Roem. Pollard, B,J, 1548 Guinée Conakry Mansombombon. Inselberg rocks amongst wide crevice vgetation.
Cyatheaceae Cyathea aethiopica (HK,) Domin, Haba P, 43 Guinée Conakry Bossou
Cyatheaceae Cyathea manniana Hook. Haba P, 39 Guinée Conakry Gbakoré
Cyperaceae Afrotrilepis pilosa (Boeck.) J.Raynal Cheek M. 13174 Guinée Conakry Simandou range. south end of track from Pic de fon to hill 1310. knwn locally as Foko.
Cyperaceae Afrotrilepis pilosa (Boeck.) J.Raynal Cheek M. 13845 Guinée Conakry Mts. Ziama. Macenta to Seredou near junction Massadou
Cyperaceae Afrotrilepis pilosa (Boeck.) J.Raynal Merklinger F,F 66 Guinée Conakry Tenya. In rock crevice on granite inselberg.
Cyperaceae Afrotrilepis pilosa (Boeck.) J.Raynal Xander van der Burgt 1151 Guinée Conakry Simandou Range. South of Pic de Fon. 1.4 km south and 900 m west of Fokou hill.
Cyperaceae Ascolepis Tchiengue B. 3024 Guinée Conakry Mignan mountain.
Cyperaceae Ascolepis van der Burgt 1115 Guinée Conakry Mt. Tibé. Footpath from village Sondou to the pass South of the Mont Tibé.
Cyperaceae Ascolepis capensis (Kunth) Ridley Haba P.K. 247 Guinée Conakry Mt. Tibé. Pic de Tibé. côté du village Sondou
Cyperaceae Bulbostylis Cheek M. 16797 Guinée Conakry Inselberg 11a near village of Baguea.
Cyperaceae Bulbostylis cf. ugandensis (Lye) R.W.Haines van der Burgt 1190 Guinée Conakry Simandou range. north of Pic de Fon. ridge north od Dabatini hill.
Cyperaceae Bulbostylis coleotricha (A. Rich.) C.B. Clarke Cheek M. 13331 Guinée Conakry Simandou range. Canga East.
Cyperaceae Bulbostylis coleotricha (A. Rich.) C.B. Clarke Merklinger F,F 65 Guinée Conakry Tenya. In rock crevice on granite inselberg.

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