Les échantillons de l'Herbier HNG

Famille Taxon Collecteur Numéro Pays Station de collecte
Leguminosae-Papilionoideae Vigna kirkii (Bak.) Gillett Diallo S.K. 28 Guinée Conakry Balandougou
Leguminosae-Papilionoideae Vigna luteola (Jacq.) Benth. A D 52 Guinée Conakry Oure Kaba (Djandjan)
Leguminosae-Papilionoideae Vigna sp. Lopez Poveda, L, 82 Guinée Conakry Kedjandou
Leguminosae-Papilionoideae Xeroderris stuhlmannii (Taub.) Mendoça & E.P. Sousa Lopez Poveda, L, 95 Guinée Conakry Tokounou
Leguminosae-Papilionoideae Xeroderris stuhlmannii (Taub.) Mendoça & E.P. Sousa Molmou D. 422 Guinée Conakry Oure Kaba
Leguminosae-Papilionoideae Xeroderris stuhlmannii (Taub.) Mendoça & E.P. Sousa Sow B. 387 Guinée Conakry Oure Kaba to Mamou. woodland below granite inselberg.
Leguminosae-Papilionoideae Xeroderris stuhlmannii (Taub.) Mendoça & E.P. Sousa Sow B. 394 Guinée Conakry Oure Kaba. Woodland below granite inselberg.
Leguminosae-Papilionoideae Zornia gemella J,Gmelin A D 8 Guinée Conakry Kéwel/ Boudou
Leguminosae-Papilionoideae Zornia sp A D 32 Guinée Conakry Pétel(km7)
Lentibulariaceae Utricularia benjaminiana Oliv. Cheek M. 16750 Guinée Conakry Sengulen Moofanyi inserlberg (masculine) Access road to village. sandy area
Lentibulariaceae Utricularia rigida Benj. Merklinger F,F 96 Guinée Conakry Hotel Cascades. rock surface in water fall of Soumba river
Lentibulariaceae Utricularia subulata L. Cheek M. 16732 Guinée Conakry Sengulen Moofanyi inserlberg (masculine). Slope to landward side E.
Lentibulariaceae Utricularia tortilis Welw. ex Oliv. Cheek M. 16736 Guinée Conakry Sengulen Moofanyi inserlberg (masculine). Slope to landward side E.
Linaceae Hugonia planchonii Hook.f. Pollard, B,J, 1491 Guinée Conakry Tonkoya. Elaeis forest near mangroves.
Linaceae Hugonia planchonii Hook.f. Pollard, B,J, 1494 Guinée Conakry Tonkoya. Elaeis forest near mangroves.
Loganiaceae Anthocleista djalonensis A.Chev. Cheek M. 16556 Guinée Conakry Oure Kaba. Colline Pamadela.
Loganiaceae Mostuea hirsuta (T.Anderson ex Benth.) Baill. ex Baker Merklinger F,F 92 Guinée Conakry Kalekhouré
Loganiaceae Nuxia congesta R.Br. ex Fresen. Cheek M. 13718 Guinée Conakry Kourandou Monts. Crossing of stream: Seberendou
Loganiaceae Nuxia congesta R.Br. ex Fresen. Doumbouya S. 104 Guinée Conakry 7 km on the road from kerouane to Kedjandou.
Loganiaceae Nuxia congesta R.Br. ex Fresen. Harvey P 234 Guinée Conakry Guinee. Forestière Prov.. Simandou Range. Pic de Fon area. Plot G4. just N. of Whiskey 2.

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