Les échantillons de l'Herbier HNG

Famille Taxon Collecteur Numéro Pays Station de collecte
Cyperaceae Bulbostylis coleotricha (A.Rich.) C.B. Clarke Haba P.K. 250 Guinée Conakry Mt. Tibé. Pic de Tibé. côté du village Sondou.
Cyperaceae Bulbostylis densa Cheek M. G 21 Guinée Conakry Guinee-Conakry. Forestière Prov.. Simandou range. Pic de Fon area. Grassland plot (2m * 2m) M14 at E side ridge road. above is path for submontane plot side on W
Cyperaceae Bulbostylis densa (Wall.) Hand.-Mazz. Cheek M. 12635 Guinée Conakry Region forestière; Beyla Ditrict; Simandou; spur west. plot at rock.
Cyperaceae Bulbostylis densa (Wall.) Hand.-Mazz. Cheek M. 13848 Guinée Conakry Mts. Ziama. Macenta to Sérédou near junction Massdou
Cyperaceae Bulbostylis filamentosa (Vahl) C.B. Clarke Cheek M. 13225 Guinée Conakry Simandou range. Oueleba 2 to Oueleba 1. Near plot
Cyperaceae Bulbostylis hispidula (Vahl) R.W.Haines Merklinger F,F 69 Guinée Conakry Tenya. At edge of rock pool on granite .
Cyperaceae Bulbostylis laniceps C.B. Clarke Haba P.K. 141 Guinée Conakry Simandou range. Piste entre Canga Est et le sommet du Pic de Fon.
Cyperaceae Bulbostylis laniceps C.B.Clarke ex Dur. & Schinz Sow B. 416 Guinée Conakry Forecariah prefcture. River crossing on main road. Mafarenya-Forecariah 5km.
Cyperaceae Bulbostylis oritrephes (Ridley) C.B.Clarke Tchiengue B. 3100 Guinée Conakry Simandou range. Pic de Foko. to the south of Pic de Fon.
Cyperaceae Bulbostylis pusilla (A. Rich.) C.B. Clarke Merklinger F,F 68 Guinée Conakry Tenya. At edge of rock pool on granite .
Cyperaceae Bulbostylis pusilla (A. Rich.) C.B. Clarke Pollard, B,J, 1507 Guinée Conakry Tonkoya. Inselberg rocks. in a stream-like drainage channel with deep pools and many sedges.
Cyperaceae Cyperaceae : indéterminée Merklinger F,F 64 Guinée Conakry Tenya. In rock crevice on granite inselberg.
Cyperaceae Cyperus Haba P.K. 433 Guinée Conakry Simandou range. Sud Est de Canga Est
Cyperaceae Cyperus articulatus L. Cheek M. 16769 Guinée Conakry Sengulen Moofanyi inserlberg at Proposed Rio Tinto Port Site Bund beeween drainage channelos. used as path between inselbergs.
Cyperaceae Cyperus compressus Linn. Konomou G. 20 Guinée Conakry Ansoumaniah
Cyperaceae Cyperus cuspidatus Kunth Merklinger F,F 84 Guinée Conakry Tenya. On top of granite Inselberg in Afrotrilepis cluster.
Cyperaceae Cyperus cuspidatus Kunth Molmou D. 471 Guinée Conakry Tonkoyah
Cyperaceae Cyperus cylindristachys Steud. Haba P.K. 588 Guinée Conakry Simandou Range. Canga East or Oueleba (coordinates were taken from Canga East; Oueleba is c. 10 km to the North)
Cyperaceae Cyperus cylindristachys Steud. Haba P.K. 613 Guinée Conakry Simandou Range. Canga East or Oueleba (coordinates were taken from Canga East; Oueleba is c. 10 km to the North)
Cyperaceae Cyperus cyperoides C.B. Clarke Cheek M. 12690 Guinée Conakry Simandou Range Canga East (Rio Tinto Camp)

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