Les échantillons de l'Herbier HNB

Famille Taxon Collecteur Numéro Pays Station de collecte
Acanthaceae Phaulopsis ciliata (Willd.) Hepper van der Maesen L.J.G. 6503 Bénin 7 km W of Savalou: Fulanidoho, Plantation of teak, Chromolaena present
Acanthaceae Phaulopsis ciliata (Willd.) Hepper van der Maesen L.J.G. 6581 Bénin Near Togbin village, along coastal road c. 10 km W of Cotonou
Acanthaceae Phaulopsis ciliata (Willd.) Hepper van der Maesen L.J.G. 6924 Bénin along Tanougou river, near waterfalls and Auberge
Acanthaceae Phaulopsis ciliata (Willd.) Hepper van der Maesen L.J.G. 6987 Bénin Near Kota falls (Chutes de la Kota)
Acanthaceae Phaulopsis falcisepala C.B.Clarke Akoegninou 6153 Bénin Koussoukouangou
Acanthaceae Phaulopsis falcisepala C.B.Clarke Ayichedehou M. 166 Bénin Centre, Lama
Acanthaceae Phaulopsis falcisepala C.B.Clarke Sokpon N. B 15 Bénin Pobè
Acanthaceae Phaulopsis falcisepala C.B.Clarke Sokpon N. 1744 Bénin Savalou
Acanthaceae Phaulopsis imbricata (Forssk.) Sweet Akoegninou 4257 Bénin Perma, Kouatena
Acanthaceae Phaulopsis imbricata (Forssk.) Sweet Houngnon P. 7453 Bénin Natitingou.
Acanthaceae Phaulopsis imbricata (Forssk.) Sweet Lisowski D 943 Bénin Route Natitingou-Tangieta, environ 3 Km de Natitingou
Acanthaceae Phaulopsis silvestris (Lindau) Lindau Akoegninou 5723 Bénin Yarpao
Acanthaceae Phaulopsis Willd. Adjakidjè V. 2265 Bénin Kpéssou -samari (COO?)
Acanthaceae Phaulopsis Willd. Adjakidjè V. 4171 Bénin Ifangni
Acanthaceae Phaulopsis Willd. Akoegninou 4212 Bénin Perma
Acanthaceae Phaulopsis Willd. Akoegninou 5547 Bénin Perma
Acanthaceae Phaulopsis Willd. Akoegninou 5637 Bénin Gibeba
Acanthaceae Phaulopsis Willd. Akoegninou 5687 Bénin Yeripao
Acanthaceae Phaulopsis Willd. Akoegninou 6065 Bénin Gamia
Acanthaceae Phaulopsis Willd. Essou J.-.P. 2449 Bénin Toffo

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