La bibliographie taxonomique

Taxon Auteur Année Titre de l'ouvrage, de l'article ou référence Revue
Alafia major O. Stapf Stapf O. 1898 Diagnoses Africanae, XII. Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew
Alangiaceae A.P. de Candolle de Candolle A.P. 1828 de Candolle A.P. Prodr. 3 1828
Albizia A. Durazzini Durazzini A. 1772 Durazzini Mag. Tosc. 3(4) 1772 Mag. Tosc.
Albizia A. Durazzini Aubréville A. 1959 La flore forestière de la Côte d'Ivoire.
Albizia A. Durazzini [sans nom de rang] Obtusifoliae G. Bentham Bentham G. 1844 Notes on Minoseae, with a Synopsis of Species. London J. Bot.
Albizia ferruginea (J.B. Guillemin & G.S. Perrottet) G. Bentham Bentham G. 1844 Notes on Minoseae, with a Synopsis of Species. London J. Bot.
Albizia ferruginea (J.B. Guillemin & G.S. Perrottet) G. Bentham Oliver D. 1871 Flora of tropical Africa. Vol. II. Leguminosae to Ficoideae.
Albizia ferruginea (J.B. Guillemin & G.S. Perrottet) G. Bentham Hutchinson J. & Dalziel J.McE. 1927 Flora of West tropical Africa The British West African colonies, Liberia, British Cameroons, the French and Portuguese territories south of the tropic of Cancer to lake Chad, and Fernando Po. Vol. I. Part 2.
Albizia ferruginea (J.B. Guillemin & G.S. Perrottet) G. Bentham Baker E.G. 1930 The Leguminosae of tropical Africa. Part III. Suborder II. Caesalpinieae & Suborder III. Mimoseae.
Albizia ferruginea (J.B. Guillemin & G.S. Perrottet) G. Bentham Aubréville A. 1936 La flore forestière de la Côte d'Ivoire.
Albizia ferruginea (J.B. Guillemin & G.S. Perrottet) G. Bentham Chevalier A.J.B. 1938 Flore vivante de l'Afrique occidentale française (Inclus Togo, Cameroun Nord, Oubangui-Chari-Tchad, Sahara français). Tome Premier.
Albizia ferruginea (J.B. Guillemin & G.S. Perrottet) G. Bentham Gilbert G.C.C. & Boutique R. 1952 Mimosaceae.
Albizia ferruginea (J.B. Guillemin & G.S. Perrottet) G. Bentham Exell A.W. & Mendonça F.A. 1956 [Balsaminaceae], Leguminosae (Caesapinioideae-Mimosoideae).
Albizia ferruginea (J.B. Guillemin & G.S. Perrottet) G. Bentham Keay R.W.J. 1958 Flora of West tropical Africa The British West African territories, Liberia, the French and Portuguese territories south of latitude 18° N to lake Chad, and Fernando Po. Second edition. Vol. I Part II.
Albizia ferruginea (J.B. Guillemin & G.S. Perrottet) G. Bentham Aubréville A. 1959 La flore forestière de la Côte d'Ivoire.
Albizia ferruginea (J.B. Guillemin & G.S. Perrottet) G. Bentham Irvine F.R. 1961 Woody Plants of Ghana with special reference to their uses.
Albizia ferruginea (J.B. Guillemin & G.S. Perrottet) G. Bentham Keay R.W.J., Onochie C.F.A. & Stanfield D.P. 1964 Nigerian Trees.
Albizia ferruginea (J.B. Guillemin & G.S. Perrottet) G. Bentham Vivien J. & Faure J.J. 1985 Arbres des forêts denses d'Afrique Centrale.
Alismataceae E.P. Ventenat Ventenat E.P. 1799 Ventenat Tabl. Reg. Veg. 2 1799
Allanblackia D. Oliver ex G. Bentham & J. D. Hooker Bentham G. & Hooker J.D. Genera plantarum ad exemplaria imprimis in herbariis kewensibus servata definita. Volumen primum. Sistens dicotyledonum polypetalarum ordines LXXXIII : Ranunculaceas-Cornaceas.

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