La bibliographie taxonomique

Taxon Auteur Année Titre de l'ouvrage, de l'article ou référence Revue
Eribroma oblonga J.B. Pierre ex A.J. Chevalier Hallé N. 1961 Sterculiaceae.
Eribroma oblonga J.B. Pierre ex A.J. Chevalier Germain R.G.A. 1963 Sterculiaceae.
Eribroma oblonga J.B. Pierre ex A.J. Chevalier Villiers J.-F. 1976 Une nouvelle espèce du genre Julbernardia Pellegr. (Césalpiniacées) en Afrique occidentale. Adansonia, sér. 2
Ericaceae A.L. Jussieu Jussieu A.L. 1789 Genera plantarum secundum ordines naturales disposita, juxta methodum in horto regio pariensi exaratum, anno
Erigeron aegyptiacus C. Linnaeus Linnaeus C. 1767 Mantissa plantarum. Generum editionis vi et specierum editionis ii.
Erigeron alatus F. Buchanan-Hamilton ex D. Don Don D. 1825 Prodromus florae nepalensis sive enumeratio vegetabilium quae in itinere per Nepaliam proprie dictam et regiones conterminas, ann. 1802-1803. Detexit atque legit D. D. Franciscus Hamiton, (olim Buchanan) M.D. accedunt plantae A.D. Wallich nuperios missae. Secundum methodi naturalis norman disposuit atque descripsit David Don.
Erigeron bonariensis C. Linnaeus Linnaeus C. 1753 Species plantarum exhibentes plantas rite cognitas ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas.
Erigeron floribundus (K.S. Kunth) C.H. Schultz Bipontinus Adams C.D. 1963 139. Compositae.
Erigeron mollis D. Don Don D. 1825 Prodromus florae nepalensis sive enumeratio vegetabilium quae in itinere per Nepaliam proprie dictam et regiones conterminas, ann. 1802-1803. Detexit atque legit D. D. Franciscus Hamiton, (olim Buchanan) M.D. accedunt plantae A.D. Wallich nuperios missae. Secundum methodi naturalis norman disposuit atque descripsit David Don.
Erigeron persicariifolius G. Bentham Bentham G. 1849 Niger flora; or, an enumeration of the plants of western tropical Africa collected by the late Dr. Theodore Vogel, botanist to the voyage of the expedition sent by her Britannic Majesty to the River Niger in 1841, under the comman of Capt. H. D. Trotter, R.N., & including spicilegia gorgonea by P. B. Webb, Esq., and Flora Nigritiana by Dr. J. D. Hooker, R.N., F.R.S, and George Bentham, Esq. With a sketch of the life of Dr. Vogel.
Eriocaulaceae I.I. Martinov Martinov I.I. 1820 Martinov Tekn. Bot. Slov. 1820
Erlangea chevalieri O. Hoffmann & R.C. Muschler Hoffmann K.A.O. & Muschler R.C. 1910 Novitates florae africanae. Plantes nouvelles de l'Afrique tropicale française décrites d'après les collections de M. Aug. Chevalier. Compositae. Mém. Soc. Bot. France
Erlangea C.H. Schultz Bipontinus Schultz Bipontinus C.H. 1853 Flora
Erlangea fruticosa C.D. Adams Adams C.D. 1963 139. Compositae.
Erlangea schimperi (D. Oliver & W.P. Hiern ex G. Bentham) S. Moore Moore S.M. 1903 Moore S., J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 35 J. Linn. Soc., Bot.
Erlangea schimperi (D. Oliver & W.P. Hiern ex G. Bentham) S. Moore Adams C.D. 1963 139. Compositae.
Ervatamia divaricata (C. Linnaeus) I.H. Burkill Burkill I.H. 1925 Burkill, Rec. Bot. Surv. India 10 1925 Rec. Bot. Surv. India
Ervatamia O. Stapf Stapf O. 1902 Order LXXXIV. Apocynaceae.
Erythrophleum A. Afzelius ex R. Brown Brown R. 1818 Append. V: Observations, systematical and Geographical on Pr. C. Smith's collection of plants from the vicinity of the river Congo.
Erythrophleum A. Afzelius ex R. Brown Brown R. 1826 Observations on the structure and affinities of the more remarkable plants collected by the late Walter Oudney, M.D.; and Major Denham and Captain Clapperton, in the years 1822, 1823, and 1824, during their Expedition to explore Central Africa.

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