La bibliographie taxonomique

Taxon Auteur Année Titre de l'ouvrage, de l'article ou référence Revue
Osmundeae W.J. Hooker & J. Lindley ex J.E. Duby Duby J.E. 1828 Duby Bot. Gall. 1 1828
Osmundineae C.E. Bessey Bessey C.E. 1880 Bessey, Bot. High. Schools 1880
Osmundoideae R. Brown ex R. Sweet Sweet R. 1826 Sweet Hort. Brit. 1826
Ouratea gilgiana H.J. Winkler Winkler H.J.P. 1908 Ochnaceae. Bot. Jahrb. Syst.
Ouratea J.B. Aublet Aublet J.B.C.F. 1775 Aublet, Fl. Guian. Fr 1775
Oxalidaceae R. Brown Brown R. 1818 Append. V: Observations, systematical and Geographical on Pr. C. Smith's collection of plants from the vicinity of the river Congo.
Oxymitra auct. : D. Oliver non J.D. Hooker & T. Thomson Oliver D. 1868 Anonaceae.
Oxymitra auct. pl. p. p. non J.D. Hooker & T. Thomson Bentham G. 1862 On African Anonaceae. Trans. Linn. Soc. London
Oxymitra auct. pl. p. p. non J.D. Hooker & T. Thomson Oliver D. 1868 Anonaceae.
Oxymitra gabonensis H.G. Engler & F.L. Diels Engler H.G.A. & Diels F.L.E. 1899 4. Anonaceae. Notizbl. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin
Oxymitra glaucifolia J. Hutchinson & J.M. Dalziel Hutchinson J., Dalziel J.M. & Chipp T.F. 1927 Annonaceae.
Oxymitra gracilipes G. Bentham Bentham G. 1862 On African Anonaceae. Trans. Linn. Soc. London
Oxymitra gracilipes G. Bentham Keay R.W.J. 1954 Annonaceae.
Oxymitra gracilis (J.D. Hooker) T.A. Sprague & J. Hutchinson Sprague T.A. & Hutchinson J. 1916 Sprague & Hutch Bull. Misc. Inf. 1916 Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew
Oxymitra gracilis (J.D. Hooker) T.A. Sprague & J. Hutchinson Keay R.W.J. 1954 Annonaceae.
Oxymitra hamata G. Bentham Bentham G. 1862 On African Anonaceae. Trans. Linn. Soc. London
Oxymitra hamata G. Bentham Oliver D. 1868 Anonaceae.
Oxymitra hamata G. Bentham Durand T.A. & Schinz H. 1898 Conspectus floræ Africæ ou énumération des plantes d'Afrique. Dicotylédones. Ranunculaceæ - Frankeniaceæ.
Oxymitra hirsuta (G. Bentham) T.A. Sprague & J. Hutchinson Keay R.W.J. 1954 Annonaceae.
Oxymitra J.D. Hooker & T. Thomson Hooker J.D. & Thomson G. 1855 Hooker J.D. & Thompson, Fl. Ind. 1 1855

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