La bibliographie taxonomique

Taxon Auteur Année Titre de l'ouvrage, de l'article ou référence Revue
Bombacaceae K.S. Kunth Kunth K.S. 1822 Kunth Malv. Butt. Til. 1822
Bombax brevicuspe T.A. Sprague Sprague T.A. 1909 XL.-Diagnoses Africanae : XXX. Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew
Bombax brevicuspe T.A. Sprague Chevalier A.J.B. 1917 Les Végétaux Utiles de l'Afrique tropicale française. La Forêt et les Bois du Gabon.
Bombax brevicuspe T.A. Sprague Chevalier A.J.B. 1920 Exploration botanique de l'Afrique occidentale française. Tome 1. Énumération des plantes récoltées.
Bombax brevicuspe T.A. Sprague Chipp T.F. 1922 The Forest Officers' Handbook of the Gold Coast, Ashanti and the Northern Territories.
Bombax brevicuspe T.A. Sprague Hutchinson J. & Dalziel J.McE. 1927 Flora of West tropical Africa The British West African colonies, Liberia, British Cameroons, the French and Portuguese territories south of the tropic of Cancer to lake Chad, and Fernando Po. Vol. I. Part 2.
Bombax brevicuspe T.A. Sprague Cooper G.P. & Record S.J. 1931 The Evergreen Forests of Liberia. A Report on Investigations made in the West African Republic of Liberia by the Yale University School of Forestry in Coöperation with the Firestone Plantations Company. Bull. Yale Univ. School Forest.
Bombax brevicuspe T.A. Sprague Keay R.W.J. 1958 Flora of West tropical Africa The British West African territories, Liberia, the French and Portuguese territories south of latitude 18° N to lake Chad, and Fernando Po. Second edition. Vol. I Part II.
Bombax brevicuspe T.A. Sprague Aubréville A. 1959 La flore forestière de la Côte d'Ivoire.
Bombax brevicuspe T.A. Sprague Keay R.W.J., Onochie C.F.A. & Stanfield D.P. 1960 Nigerian Trees.
Bombax brevicuspe T.A. Sprague Irvine F.R. 1961 Woody Plants of Ghana with special reference to their uses.
Bombax buonopozense A.M. Palisot de Beauvois Palisot de Beauvois A.M.F.J. 1807 Flore d'Oware et de Benin, en Afrique.
Bombax buonopozense A.M. Palisot de Beauvois Oliver D. 1868 Flora of tropical Africa. Vol. I. Ranunculaceae to Connaraceae.
Bombax buonopozense A.M. Palisot de Beauvois Welwitsch F.M.J. 1896 Catalogue of the African plants, collected by Dr. Friedrich Welwitsch in 1853-61. Dicotyledons, Part I.
Bombax buonopozense A.M. Palisot de Beauvois Pobéguin C.H.O. 1906 Côte occidentale d'Afrique. Essai sur la Flore de la Guinée Française. Produits forestiers, agricoles et industriels.
Bombax buonopozense A.M. Palisot de Beauvois Chevalier A.J.B. 1920 Exploration botanique de l'Afrique occidentale française. Tome 1. Énumération des plantes récoltées.
Bombax buonopozense A.M. Palisot de Beauvois Perrot E.C. 1923 Essai d'identification des bois tropicaux. Les bois de la Côte d'Ivoire. Fascicule I.
Bombax buonopozense A.M. Palisot de Beauvois Hutchinson J. & Dalziel J.McE. 1927 Flora of West tropical Africa The British West African colonies, Liberia, British Cameroons, the French and Portuguese territories south of the tropic of Cancer to lake Chad, and Fernando Po. Vol. I. Part 2.
Bombax buonopozense A.M. Palisot de Beauvois Keay R.W.J. 1958 Flora of West tropical Africa The British West African territories, Liberia, the French and Portuguese territories south of latitude 18° N to lake Chad, and Fernando Po. Second edition. Vol. I Part II.
Bombax buonopozense A.M. Palisot de Beauvois Aubréville A. 1959 La flore forestière de la Côte d'Ivoire.

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