La bibliographie taxonomique

Taxon Auteur Année Titre de l'ouvrage, de l'article ou référence Revue
Piptadenia africana J.D. Hooker Cooper G.P. & Record S.J. 1931 The Evergreen Forests of Liberia. A Report on Investigations made in the West African Republic of Liberia by the Yale University School of Forestry in Coöperation with the Firestone Plantations Company. Bull. Yale Univ. School Forest.
Piptadenia africana J.D. Hooker Chalk L., Burtt Davy J., Desch H.E. & Hoyle A.C. 1933 Forest Treesand Timbers of the British Empire. Twenty West African Timber Trees.
Piptadenia africana J.D. Hooker Aubréville A. 1936 La flore forestière de la Côte d'Ivoire.
Piptadenia africana J.D. Hooker Heitz N. 1943 La Forêt du Gabon.
Piptadenia G. Bentham Bentham G. 1840 Contributions towards a flora of South America. ¿ Enumeration of plants collected by Mr Schomburgk in British Guiana. London J. Bot.
Piptadeniastrum africanum (J.D. Hooker) J.P. Brenan Brenan J.P.M. 1955 Notes on Mimosaceae : I. Kew Bull.
Piptadeniastrum africanum (J.D. Hooker) J.P. Brenan Exell A.W. & Mendonça F.A. 1956 [Balsaminaceae], Leguminosae (Caesapinioideae-Mimosoideae).
Piptadeniastrum africanum (J.D. Hooker) J.P. Brenan Keay R.W.J. 1958 Flora of West tropical Africa The British West African territories, Liberia, the French and Portuguese territories south of latitude 18° N to lake Chad, and Fernando Po. Second edition. Vol. I Part II.
Piptadeniastrum africanum (J.D. Hooker) J.P. Brenan Aubréville A. 1959 La flore forestière de la Côte d'Ivoire.
Piptadeniastrum africanum (J.D. Hooker) J.P. Brenan Irvine F.R. 1961 Woody Plants of Ghana with special reference to their uses.
Piptadeniastrum africanum (J.D. Hooker) J.P. Brenan Keay R.W.J., Onochie C.F.A. & Stanfield D.P. 1964 Nigerian Trees.
Piptadeniastrum africanum (J.D. Hooker) J.P. Brenan Vivien J. & Faure J.J. 1985 Arbres des forêts denses d'Afrique Centrale.
Piptadeniastrum J.P. Brenan Brenan J.P.M. 1955 Notes on Mimosaceae : I. Kew Bull.
Piptostigma aubrevillei J.H. Ghesquière Aubréville A. 1936 La flore forestière de la Côte d'Ivoire.
Piptostigma calophyllum G.W. Mildbraed & F.L. Diels Engler H.G.A. 1915 Beiträge zur Flora von Afrika. XLV. Unter Mitwirkung der Beamten des Kön. bot. Museums und den Kön. bot. Gartens zu Berlin, sowie anderer Botaniker. Bot. Jahrb. Syst.
Piptostigma calophyllum G.W. Mildbraed & F.L. Diels Le Thomas A. 1969 Annonacées.
Piptostigma D. Oliver Oliver D. 1865 On Four New Genera of Plants of Western Tropical Africa, belonging to the Natural Orders Anonaceae, Olacineae, Loganiaceae, and Thymelaeaceae; and on a New Species of Paropsia. J. Linn. Soc., Bot.
Piptostigma D. Oliver Chevalier A.J.B. 1920 Exploration botanique de l'Afrique occidentale française. Tome 1. Énumération des plantes récoltées.
Piptostigma D. Oliver Le Thomas A. 1969 Annonacées.
Piptostigma D. Oliver van Setten A.K. & Maas P.J.M. 1990 Studies in Annonaceae. XIV. Index to generic names of Annonaceae. Taxon

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