La bibliographie taxonomique

Taxon Auteur Année Titre de l'ouvrage, de l'article ou référence Revue
Ficus lingua O. Warburg ex E.A. De Wildeman & T.A. Durand subsp. lingua Berg C.C. 1988 New taxa and combinations in Ficus (Moraceae) of Africa. Kew Bull.
Ficus macrosperma G.W. Mildbraed & K.E. Burret Mildbraed G.W.J. & Burret K.E. 1911 Mildbraed & Burret Bot. Jahrb. 46 1911 Bot. Jahrb. Syst.
Ficus mallotoides G.W. Mildbraed & J. Hutchinson Mildbraed G.W.J. & Hutchinson J. 1915 Mildbraed & Hutch Bull. Misc. Inf. 1915 Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew
Ficus natalensis C.F. Hochstetter Hochstetter C.F.F. 1845 Hochstetter Flora 28 1845
Ficus natalensis C.F. Hochstetter Berg C.C. 1988 New taxa and combinations in Ficus (Moraceae) of Africa. Kew Bull.
Ficus natalensis C.F. Hochstetter subsp. leprieurii (F.A. Miquel) C.C. Berg ex C.C. Berg Berg C.C. 1988 New taxa and combinations in Ficus (Moraceae) of Africa. Kew Bull.
Ficus ottoniifolia (F.A. Miquel) F.A. Miquel Miquel F.A.W. 1867 Miquel Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 3 1867 Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugduno-Batavi
Ficus ottoniifolia (F.A. Miquel) F.A. Miquel Berg C.C. 1988 New taxa and combinations in Ficus (Moraceae) of Africa. Kew Bull.
Ficus ottoniifolia (F.A. Miquel) F.A. Miquel subsp. multinervia C.C. Berg Berg C.C. 1988 New taxa and combinations in Ficus (Moraceae) of Africa. Kew Bull.
Ficus ottoniifolia (F.A. Miquel) F.A. Miquel subsp. ottoniifolia Berg C.C. 1988 New taxa and combinations in Ficus (Moraceae) of Africa. Kew Bull.
Ficus pachyneura C.C. Berg Berg C.C. 1988 New taxa and combinations in Ficus (Moraceae) of Africa. Kew Bull.
Ficus polita M. Vahl Vahl M. 1805 Vahl Enum. 2 1805
Ficus polita M. Vahl Berg C.C. 1988 New taxa and combinations in Ficus (Moraceae) of Africa. Kew Bull.
Ficus polita M. Vahl subsp. polita Berg C.C. 1988 New taxa and combinations in Ficus (Moraceae) of Africa. Kew Bull.
Ficus pringhseimiana J.M. Braun & K.M. Schumann Braun J.M. & Schumann K.M. 1889 Braun & Schumann, Mitt. Deutsch. Schutzgeb. 2 1889 Mitth. Forschungsreisenden Gel. Deutsch. Schutzgeb.
Ficus sansibarica O. Warburg Warburg O. 1894 Warburg Bot. Jahrb. 20 1894 Bot. Jahrb. Syst.
Ficus sansibarica O. Warburg Berg C.C. 1988 New taxa and combinations in Ficus (Moraceae) of Africa. Kew Bull.
Ficus sansibarica O. Warburg subsp. macrosperma (G.W. Mildbraed & K.E. Burret) C.C. Berg Berg C.C. 1988 New taxa and combinations in Ficus (Moraceae) of Africa. Kew Bull.
Ficus tremula O. Warburg Warburg O. 1894 Warburg Bot. Jahrb. 20 1894 Bot. Jahrb. Syst.
Ficus tremula O. Warburg Berg C.C. 1988 New taxa and combinations in Ficus (Moraceae) of Africa. Kew Bull.

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