Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Ficus glumosa Delile Cheek M. P 4 Simandou Range. Pic de Fon area. Plot G1. Savanna.
Ficus glumosa Delile Cheek M. 12529 Simandou. Canga East (Rio Tinto Camp). Savanna.
Ficus glumosa Delile Diakhaby M.S. 35 Route Samba
Ficus glumosa Delile Doumbouya S. 103 7 km on the road from kerouane to Kedjandou.
Ficus glumosa Delile Merklinger F,F 90 Tonkoya. Rock crevice on granite inselberg.
Ficus glumosa Delile Molmou D. 410 Dramafita. close to Oure Kaba.mamou.
Ficus glumosa Delile Sow B. 406 Singuelen village north to the two granite inselbergs Moofani on an estuary.

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