Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Cleistopholis glauca Pierre ex Engl. & Diels. Bena P. s.n. Région de Moloundou
Cleistopholis glauca Pierre ex Engl. & Diels. Betti J. L. 81 Cameroun , Réserve de faune du Dja
Cleistopholis glauca Pierre ex Engl. & Diels. Bos J.J. 4784 20 Km from Kribi, lolodorf road.
Cleistopholis glauca Pierre ex Engl. & Diels. de Kruif A.P.M. 797 1 Km W of Béla (along sangha R., near R.C.A. border, about 82 Km E of Lokomo, Km 120 road Yokadouma-Moloundou).
Cleistopholis glauca Pierre ex Engl. & Diels. inconnu s.n. Mbalmayo
Cleistopholis glauca Pierre ex Engl. & Diels. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 6467 18km SE.of Douala, along road to Ndonga(=old to Edea).
Cleistopholis glauca Pierre ex Engl. & Diels. Letouzey R. 3036 Près Matcheboum
Cleistopholis glauca Pierre ex Engl. & Diels. Mikio 546 Mivini 35km east of Campo.
Cleistopholis glauca Pierre ex Engl. & Diels. Tamaki 79 Ejagam council Forest Reserve in the South West Province.
Cleistopholis glauca Pierre ex Engl. & Diels. Thomas D.W. 2561 Mungo river forest reserve
Cleistopholis glauca Pierre ex Engl. & Diels. Thomas D.W. 6121 Near Mundemba town
Cleistopholis glauca Pierre ex Engl. & Diels. Thomas D.W. 6792 Mundemba Ndian division
Cleistopholis glauca Pierre ex Engl. & Diels. Tsoungui s.n. Chantier CORON près Yaoundé

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