Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Capsicum annuum L. cvgr. Chillies Group Adjakidjè V. 1986 Houignan-Illé Issaba
Capsicum annuum L. cvgr. Chillies Group Essou J.-.P. 3355 Kinkinhoué
Capsicum annuum L. cvgr. Chillies Group Sinsin 3330 Samiodji
Capsicum annuum L. cvgr. Chillies Group van der Maesen L.J.G. 7813 Cotonou, vegetable gardens of Houéyiho, under the eastern approach lights of the airport
Capsicum annuum L. cvgr. Chillies Group van der Maesen L.J.G. 7815 Cotonou, vegetable gardens of Houéyiho, under the eastern approach lights of the airport

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