Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Biophytum talbotii (Baker f.) Hutch. & Dalziel Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 6733 9 km. N . of Lomié, between Mintoum and Abakoum.
Biophytum talbotii (Baker f.) Hutch. & Dalziel Letouzey R. 10319 Canon du Ntem, à Oveng, près Nyabessan, 60Km Est de Campo.
Biophytum talbotii (Baker f.) Hutch. & Dalziel Letouzey R. 13571 Piste Ndebaya - Inokum, 30 km W. Mamfé.
Biophytum talbotii (Baker f.) Hutch. & Dalziel Letouzey R. 14331 Près Numba, 45km ENE Mamfe
Biophytum talbotii (Baker f.) Hutch. & Dalziel Manning S.D. 1221 Along the Nsanaragati river W. of the bridge on the road between Nsanaragati and the Eyumojok - Ekok road.
Biophytum talbotii (Baker f.) Hutch. & Dalziel Raynal J. & A. 10425 Njabilobé (54 km ESE Kribi); forêt riveraine de la Kienke, rive gauche au N de la route de Kribi.
Biophytum talbotii (Baker f.) Hutch. & Dalziel Thomas D.W. 5384 Forested hillsides in the Bakossi Mountainns, West of Bangem.
Biophytum talbotii (Baker f.) Hutch. & Dalziel Thomas D.W. 7012 Secondary forest and cocoa farm between Nyandong and Messaka villages.
Biophytum talbotii (Baker f.) Hutch. & Dalziel Thomas D.W. 8080 Collections made along the footpath from Esukutang to Ekogate. Starting 5 km west of Esukutang.

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