Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Sterculiaceae Bourobou H.P. 33 route entre Ndouaniang et Kango.
Sterculiaceae Bourobou H.P. 740 Toucan.
Sterculiaceae Bourobou H.P. 741 Toucan.
Sterculiaceae Bourobou H.P. 900 A Petit Loango.
Sterculiaceae Louis A.M. 2641 Libreville, Cap Estérias next to Moka.
Sterculiaceae Maesen 5536 6 km E of Lastoursville Railway bridge, 16 km E of Lastoursville Road bridge. Chantier SBL.
Sterculiaceae Mayombo-Nzengue 239 Crystal Mountains, Tchimbélé, sur sentier botanique entre transect D et (croisement transect ).
Sterculiaceae Mayombo-Nzengue 366 NW of Akoga, 5500 m on transect Y.
Sterculiaceae Mayombo-Nzengue 544 Crystal Mountains, 31075m on transect G.
Sterculiaceae Minkébé Series W 646 Minkébé area, on site of old village, possibly Minkébé itself.
Sterculiaceae Strijk 106 on riverbanks behind WWF-station, at entrance to Bordamur consession area.
Sterculiaceae Walters 1514 A Plateaux Batéké National Park. Kalahari Sands. Mpassa River drainage. Projet Protection des Gorilles. Trails L and D.
Sterculiaceae Wieringa J.J. 5197 upper Waka area, 13 km on IFL forestry road B2.
Sterculiaceae Wilks 974 côté plantations Sogacel, 3km N de Ndouaniang.

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