Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Rhabdophyllum affine (Hook.f.) Tiegh. Bissiengou P. 483 village Massienga 53 km de Tchibanga (route Tchibanga-Ndende).
Rhabdophyllum affine (Hook.f.) Tiegh. Bissiengou P. 555 on a road to the South from Moignigni village (on road Tchibanga-Moulengui Binza).
Rhabdophyllum affine (Hook.f.) Tiegh. Breteler F.J. 138 Monts de Cristal, c. 10 km W of Asok, along a confluent of the Soung River.
Rhabdophyllum affine (Hook.f.) Tiegh. Breteler F.J. 6745 30 km route Moanda to Bakoumba.
Rhabdophyllum affine (Hook.f.) Tiegh. Breteler F.J. 11464 between Rabi- Kounga and Yeno.
Rhabdophyllum affine (Hook.f.) Tiegh. Dauby G.V. 993 concession Rougier du Haut-Abanga, Sud-Est de Mikongo, partie Nord des montagnes Mekié.
Rhabdophyllum affine (Hook.f.) Tiegh. de Wilde J.J.F.E. 9691 Rabi camp, forest remnants near airstrip.
Rhabdophyllum affine (Hook.f.) Tiegh. Jongkind C.C.H. 5824 Doudou Mountains, Chantier SNF-Bakker.
Rhabdophyllum affine (Hook.f.) Tiegh. Le Testu 1915 Tchibanga
Rhabdophyllum affine (Hook.f.) Tiegh. Morel SRFG 117 Secteur d'inventaire Ntoum Rogolié.
Rhabdophyllum affine (Hook.f.) Tiegh. Nek 375 Divangui-S, southwards direction GBD-1.
Rhabdophyllum affine (Hook.f.) Tiegh. Nguema Ekomo 596 Monts de Cristal.
Rhabdophyllum affine (Hook.f.) Tiegh. Schoenmaker J. 289 Rabi-Kounga. N'Gove.
Rhabdophyllum affine (Hook.f.) Tiegh. Sosef 2658 Pélé Mountains, c. 27 km on the road Tchibanga - Moulengui Binza (counted from the bifurcation with road to Mayumba), village Birougou, and then 12 km on a track in SW direction to Bikamba, from there following a track in S. direction towards the ridge
Rhabdophyllum affine (Hook.f.) Tiegh. Wilde (WALK-B) 506 15 km along the road Mimongo - Koulamoutou.
Rhabdophyllum affine (Hook.f.) Tiegh. Wilde (WALK-B) 598 Ranch of Agrogabon, SE of Tchibanga, c. 100 km along the road to Voungou and c. 20 km from the border with Congo-Brazzaville.

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