Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Psychotria laticalyx O.Lachenaud Niangadouma R. 225 c. 25 km E Gamba, à 50m de la parcelle N°2, Gamba - Monts Doudou -Projet Smithsonian.
Psychotria laticalyx O.Lachenaud Stévart 3271 IFL logging concession, between the camp and TR2, along Waka River.
Psychotria laticalyx O.Lachenaud Stévart 3338 IFL logging concession, West of Waka National Park, near the end of the road.
Psychotria laticalyx O.Lachenaud Valkenburg 2855 Moukalaba Doudou national park, chantier SFN.
Psychotria laticalyx O.Lachenaud Wieringa J.J. 4458 10 km on the road Ikobey to Bakongue, Eghaba Mountain.

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