Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Eriocoelum Hook.f. Breteler F.J. 9680 Rabi.
Eriocoelum Hook.f. Breteler F.J. 10156 Rabi-Kounga, Echira road.
Eriocoelum Hook.f. Breteler F.J. 10260 Rabi-Kounga.
Eriocoelum Hook.f. Breteler F.J. 10322 Rabi-Kounga, Rabi, northern road.
Eriocoelum Hook.f. Breteler F.J. 10468 Missanga, 10-20 km N of Ndjolé.
Eriocoelum Hook.f. Breteler F.J. 11417 5 km on road Yombi to Mandji.
Eriocoelum Hook.f. Breteler F.J. 11509 Rabi-area, road from Divangui to Niunga.
Eriocoelum Hook.f. de Wilde J.J.F.E. 10193 Crystal Mountains, c. 1 km S of Kinguélé, along the Mbé river.
Eriocoelum Hook.f. Harris D.J. 8640 Loango National Park, east side of Rembo Nyoungou river, c. 2 km upstream from Akaka camp.
Eriocoelum Hook.f. Harris D.J. 8696 Rembo Echira River c. 4 km from Akaka camp.
Eriocoelum Hook.f. Leal 2053 Bouvala hills. East of ridge.
Eriocoelum Hook.f. Louis A.M. 1743 Chantier Rougier Océan, région de Booué.
Eriocoelum Hook.f. Maesen 5668 near Lastoursville, chantiers SBL R2.
Eriocoelum Hook.f. Schoenmaker J. 309 Rabi-Kounga. N of Rabi.
Eriocoelum Hook.f. Sosef 1490 Plus ou moins 40 au Nord-Ouest de Doussala.
Eriocoelum Hook.f. Sosef 2112 c. 25km E of Lastoursville, c. 10 km N of Bambidie (Chantier CEB).
Eriocoelum Hook.f. Walters 1404 Plateaux Batéké National Park. Kalahari Sands. Plants collected along Mpassa River. Station south to Sand Canyon.
Eriocoelum Hook.f. Walters 1419 Plateaux Batéké National Park. Kalahari Sands. Plants collected along Mpassa River. Sand Canyon. Eroded oxbow.
Eriocoelum Hook.f. Wieringa J.J. 1186 Rabi-Kounga, N of landing-strip.
Eriocoelum Hook.f. Wieringa J.J. 3568 13 km on road Mékambo to Madjingo.

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