Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Cnestis urens Gilg Bissiengou P. 498 route Dikoutou-Denguigela.
Cnestis urens Gilg Breteler F.J. 9641 Rabi.
Cnestis urens Gilg Breteler F.J. 10148 Rabi-Kounga, Divangui Rd.
Cnestis urens Gilg Breteler F.J. 11407 c. 15 km Ntoum - Cocobeach Rd.
Cnestis urens Gilg Etuge M. 18 Rabi, Rabi hill station.
Cnestis urens Gilg Lachenaud 1626 Lac Evaro.
Cnestis urens Gilg Louis A.M. 1689 Malibé 1 km vers Ouest.
Cnestis urens Gilg Mouandza Mbembo 93 Parc National Loango.
Cnestis urens Gilg Nek 669 near Rigsite, c. 10 km S of Lake Ezanga.
Cnestis urens Gilg Nek 670 near Rigsite, c. 10 km S of Lake Ezanga.
Cnestis urens Gilg Reitsma J.M. 979 chantier CEB, Doussala, c. 25 km SSW of Doussala.
Cnestis urens Gilg Schoenmaker J. 258 Rabi-Kounga, direction Checkpoint Est.
Cnestis urens Gilg Sosef 2728 Pélé Mountains, c. 27 km on the road Tchibanga - Moulengui Binza (counted from the bifurcation with road to Mayumba), village Birougou, and then 12 km on a track in SW direction to village Bikamba, from there following track in direction of and up the hil
Cnestis urens Gilg Valkenburg 2621 chantier SFN, Igotchi.
Cnestis urens Gilg Wieringa J.J. 1071 Rabi-Kounga, Rabi hill station.

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