Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Mesanthemum prescottianum (Bong,) Koern. Cheek M. 12665 Simandou ridge. extreme S of Rio Tinto road network: rocky hill. Note GPS reading from just to N. outside canopy.
Mesanthemum prescottianum (Bong,) Koern. Cheek M. 13173 Simandou Range. south end of track from Pic de Fon to hill 1310. known locally as Foko.
Mesanthemum prescottianum (Bong,) Koern. Cheek M. 13700 Simandou Range. Oueleba. Plot3.
Mesanthemum prescottianum (Bong,) Koern. Haba P,K, 216 Nord du sommet du pic de Dabatini.
Mesanthemum prescottianum (Bong,) Koern. Pearce L,J, 22 Mont Ziama. Mont Wokou. Just south of Macenta.

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