Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Basella alba L. Breteler F.J. 677 Doumé, near catholic mission.
Basella alba L. Cheek M. 8539 Oku-Elak between Fon's Palace and Manchok. Bank along road in village.
Basella alba L. Koufani A. 35 Foot of Ngongonjie hill, near Akonetye. 2°30 S of Ebolowa.
Basella alba L. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 6661 3 km N of Lomié, along road to Abong Mbang.
Basella alba L. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 6992 S. of Buea, between Sasse and Soppo on the short road Victoria-Buea road. Between Tole-tea plantation and the village Bolikabo
Basella alba L. Leeuwenberg A.J.M. 8322 Manengouba Mts. base, 4 Km WNW. Of Nkongsamba.
Basella alba L. Letouzey R. 7982 Entre Nditam et Akouen, (70 km au N. de Bafia). Carte IGN. Linté.
Basella alba L. Letouzey R. 10721 Bateka Malo, 20 Km NE de Moloundou. IGN Moloundou.
Basella alba L. Ogu 305 Sans localité
Basella alba L. Westphal 8785 In fence of garden near Nkol Eton Market.
Basella alba L. Westphal 9552 Market of Victoria
Basella alba L. Westphal 9822 Collection garden Nkolbison.
Basella alba L. Westphal 9848 Collection garden Nkolbison.
Basella alba L. Westphal 9867 In Garden, near collection garden

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