Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Adenia mannii (Mast.) Engl. Bos J.J. 4699 17 km. N. of kribi
Adenia mannii (Mast.) Engl. Bos J.J. 4892 Kribi, just E of town
Adenia mannii (Mast.) Engl. Bos J.J. 7012 4 km. N. of Km.
Adenia mannii (Mast.) Engl. Letouzey R. 9212 10 km environ à l'ESE de Campo.
Adenia mannii (Mast.) Engl. Thomas D.W. 5945 Forest oneast side of Barombi Lake, Kumba
Adenia mannii (Mast.) Engl. Thomas D.W. 6098 Mature and second growth forest from the vicinity of lake Barombi, Kumba.

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