Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Xyris decipiens N.E.Br. Alers M.P.T. 124 Réserve de la Lopé, shrubby savannah, swampy habitat (swamp).
Xyris decipiens N.E.Br. Jongkind C.C.H. 5925 peninsula of Cap Esterias, CADDE site.
Xyris decipiens N.E.Br. Maesen 5463 Pointe Denis.
Xyris decipiens N.E.Br. Mouandza Mbembo 45 Parc National Loango, La rive opposée près de l'hotel à 15 m du débarcadeur.
Xyris decipiens N.E.Br. Nek 637 near Rigsite, c. 10 km S of Lake Ezanga.
Xyris decipiens N.E.Br. Ngok Banak L. 1759 Mt. Sassamongo, rocky plateau W of Sassamongo village.
Xyris decipiens N.E.Br. Schoenmaker J. 253 Rabi-Kounga, direction Echira.
Xyris decipiens N.E.Br. Simons 499 Pointe Denis/Pongara/Ovingombé.
Xyris decipiens N.E.Br. Sosef 1634 ca 7km au Nord de Batanga.
Xyris decipiens N.E.Br. Walters 1204 Plateaux Batéké National Park. Mpassa River drainage. Kalahari Sands. Moist grassland surrounded by forest. Potential feeding place for animals. (Collected 1 km from GPS coordinate.).
Xyris decipiens N.E.Br. Wieringa J.J. 1160 Gamba, just SE of the airport.
Xyris decipiens N.E.Br. Wilde (WALK-B) 630 mayumba peninsular, c. 15 km S of Maynumba town, the surf of the ocean within hearing distance.
Xyris decipiens N.E.Br. Wilde (WALK-B) 885 Eastern part of the Presidential Reserve Wonga-Wongué; c. 100 km S of Libreville; close to the living quarters.

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