Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Xylaria sp. Fofana F. 172 Mont Béro sur la route entre le village Lamineta et le Mont Kouoye.
Xylaria sp. Tchiengue B. P 167 Simandou Range. Pic de Fon area. Forest at Whisky 1. the wa ter source for Canga East camp. Plot G3.
Xylaria sp. Tchiengue B. T 707 Simandou Range. between Pic de Fon and village Banko. Plot Banko1
Xylaria sp. Tchiengue B. 2381 Simandou Range; transition forest with grassiand.
Xylaria sp. van der Burgt 1167 Simandou Range. north of Pic de Fon . near the pass on path between the villages Moribadou and Lamadou.
Xylaria sp. van der Burgt 1214 Simandou Range. west of Pic de Fon. east of Beyla village. path from Banko camp to rige. Primary forest.

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