Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Uvariastrum zenkeri Engl. & Diels Bissiengou P. 288 forêt classée de la Mondah: site combat 2.
Uvariastrum zenkeri Engl. & Diels Couvreur T.L.P. 877 on road from Mitzic to Lalara (N2), just after the bridge over the Lara, c.500 m in forest.
Uvariastrum zenkeri Engl. & Diels Harris D.J. 8300 Loango National Park, Nick's camp, by Louri lagoon, c. 12 km south of Iguela.
Uvariastrum zenkeri Engl. & Diels Harris D.J. 8337 Loango National Park, Nick's camp, by Louri lagoon, c. 12 km south of Iguela.
Uvariastrum zenkeri Engl. & Diels Maas 10143 Parc National de Loango, near Tassi.
Uvariastrum zenkeri Engl. & Diels Nek 262 Gamba-E, road from Gambo airport to the north, new laterite road direction 'plaines' (only for services).
Uvariastrum zenkeri Engl. & Diels Reitsma J.M. 1640 Inventory; chantier CEB, c. 50 km SW of Doussala; primary rain-forest.
Uvariastrum zenkeri Engl. & Diels Reitsma J.M. 3711 Ndombo oil-concession area of CONOCO; brackish marsh, ca 3 km SW of No Ayong.
Uvariastrum zenkeri Engl. & Diels Sita 5195 Chantier forestier de vouboué à 10 Km du Campement à l'ouest dans les abattages.
Uvariastrum zenkeri Engl. & Diels Sosef 1992 forestry concession Bordamur, c. 50 km NE of Mitzic.
Uvariastrum zenkeri Engl. & Diels Sosef 2277 Doudou Mountains National Parc, c. 5 km S of Camp Peny (CBG).
Uvariastrum zenkeri Engl. & Diels Sosef 2282 Doudou Mountains National Parc, c. 5 km S of Camp Peny (CBG).
Uvariastrum zenkeri Engl. & Diels van Bergen M.A. 200 Gamba area, 32 km on road to Bouda (NE of Gamba).
Uvariastrum zenkeri Engl. & Diels Wieringa J.J. 6157 c.40 km ENE of Lastoursville, 20 km on forestry road from Bambidie heading N.
Uvariastrum zenkeri Engl. & Diels Wilks 2465 Ezanga. Layon D ouest.

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